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Asia-Pacific Region Intelligence Center

유도요노 인니대통령, 대선후보들에게 결과 승복 촉구 본문

Guide Ear&Bird's Eye/인도네시아

유도요노 인니대통령, 대선후보들에게 결과 승복 촉구

CIA Bear 허관(許灌) 2014. 7. 21. 11:35


Reports submitted by the Regional Elections Commissions (KPUD) in 33 provinces announced on Sunday that candidate pair Joko “Jokowi” Widodo-Jusuf Kalla had won 53.16 percent of the vote in all regions and overseas while rival Prabowo Subianto-Hatta Rajasa garnered 46.48 percent.

수실로 밤방 유도요노 인도네시아 대통령이 대선 결과 발표를 앞두고 후보들에게 책임 있는 선거 마무리를 촉구했다.

21일 자카르타포스트 온라인판에 따르면 유도요노 대통령은 20일 대통령-부통령 선거에 출마한 투쟁민주당(PDIP) 조코 위도도(일명 조코위)-유숩 칼라 후보, 대인도네시아운동당 프라보워 수비안토-하타 라자사 후보와 만찬을 갖고 "우리는 여전히 이번 선거를 마무리해야 한다"며 "이 과정을 함께 책임지고 보호하자"고 강조했다.

그는 "새 지도자를 환영해 나라를 전진시키자"며 "리더십 이양은 축하 속에 확실히 이루어져야 한다"고 밝혔다.

유도요노 대통령의 이 같은 발언은 22일 발표될 대통령 선거 결과를 앞두고 프라보워 후보가 부정선거를 주장하며 선거 결과에 승복하지 않을 가능성이 제기된 가운데 나온 것으로, 선거 결과 승복을 촉구한 것으로 풀이된다.

지난 2004년 대통령 직선제 도입 후 3번째 실시된 이번 대선의 승리자는 초대 직선 대통령에 당선되고 나서 연임한 유도요노 대통령으로부터 정권을 이어받아 첫 직선제 정권교체를 이루게 된다.

조코위 후보는 유세 초반에 프라보워 후보를 두 자릿수 이상의 지지율 격차를 보이며 앞섰으나 투표 직전 두 후보의 지지율 차이는 2~7%로 좁혀져 이번 선거는 이 나라 대선 사상 가장 치열한 접전을 기록했다.

독재자 고(故) 수하르토 대통령의 사위로, 과거에도 대권에 도전했던 프라보워 후보는 선거 결과에 승복하지 않을 것임을 시사해 두 후보 진영이 충돌하고 거리 시위가 발생할 우려가 제기되고 있다.(연합뉴스)


Jokowi-Kalla win 53.16% of the vote in provinces,overseas

Reports submitted by the Regional Elections Commissions (KPUD) in 33 provinces announced on Sunday that candidate pair Joko “Jokowi” Widodo-Jusuf Kalla had won 53.16 percent of the vote in all regions and overseas while rival Prabowo Subianto-Hatta Rajasa garnered 46.48 percent.

The KPUDs from the 33 provinces completed their provincial vote recapitulation early Sunday. The final vote tally at the national level is scheduled to run from Sunday through Tuesday. reported that Jokowi-Kalla won 71,014,846 votes while 62,576,744 votes went to Prabowo-Hatta.

Jokowi and Kalla won in four provinces in Java, four in Kalimantan, five in Sulawesi and six in Sumatra, as well as Bali, East Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, Papua and West Papua.

Meanwhile, Prabowo-Hatta won more than 60 percent of the vote in Gorontalo, West Nusa Tenggara and West Sumatra. The ticket’s largest vote result was from West Java, from which it got 14 million votes.

Election Supervisory Committee (Bawaslu) commissioner Daniel Zuchron said on Sunday that all election organizers had arrived in Jakarta to attend the national level three-day-vote recapitulation at the KPU headquarters.

KPU commissioner Ferry Kurnia Rizkiansyah said the commission hoped all Indonesian people could trust the final result of the 2014 presidential election without having to file a lawsuit with the Constitutional Court.

“Monitors from both Jokowi-Kalla and Prabowo-Hatta camps will be present in the meeting,” he said. (gda/ebf)



Jokowi-Kalla ticket tops overseas votes

Candidate pair Joko “Jokowi” Widodo-Jusuf Kalla have taken the lead with 364,283 overseas votes against Prabowo Subianto-Hatta Rajasa’s 313,600, the Overseas Election Committee (PPLN) has reported.

The PPLN announced the final result of the overseas vote recapitulation, which began on July 17, in a plenary meeting on Sunday, reported.

The Jokowi-Kalla ticket led the overseas race in 109 out of the total 130 PPLN working areas covering 498 polling stations in 96 countries, while rival candidates Prabowo and Hatta won in 20 PPLN offices. Both tickets garnered 62 votes each in Beirut, Lebanon.

Out of the total 190,307,134 voters registered on the Final Voter List (DPT), 2,038,711 were located overseas. The KPU distributed 2,079,485 ballots for overseas voters through the Foreign Affairs Ministry.

The KPU provided three ways for overseas voters to cast their vote: at polling stations, through drop box system and by mail.

According to PPLN data, as many as 410,975 voters were registered to cast their vote at polling stations, while 698,669 used drop boxes and 929,067 voted by mail. (gda/ebf)