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Asia-Pacific Region Intelligence Center

뉴욕시 케네디 국제공항 테러음모 적발 (E) 본문

CIA.FBI(귀가 빙빙 도는 뇌 감청기)

뉴욕시 케네디 국제공항 테러음모 적발 (E)

CIA Bear 허관(許灌) 2007. 6. 3. 10:37

Officials: Terror plot targeted JFK airport


뉴욕시 당국은 존 F. 케네디 국제공항 테러음모와 관련해 3명을 체포하고, 또 다른 한 명을 추적하고 있습니다.

당국은 이 용의자들이 폭발물을 사용해 공항으로  연결된 송유관을 폭파하려고 계획했다고 밝혔습니다.

연방 관계관들은 지난 2006년 1월부터 조사를 시작해 결국 이들을 기소했다고 밝혔습니다. 당국은 기소자 가운데 가이아나 국적의 전 공항직원은 뉴욕에서 체포됐다고 말했습니다.  또 다른 기소자는 가이아나의 전직 국회의원과 시장을 지낸 사람인 것으로 알려지고 있습니다. 이 기소자와 또 다른 한명은 트리니다드에서 구금됐으며, 나머지 한명은 카리브제도에서 아직 체포되지 않고 있는 것으로 알려졌습니다.

소식통은 이 음모가 계획단계에서 적발됐기 때문에 여객기 승객들에게 당장 위협은 되지 않았다고 말했습니다. 


Authorities in New York have arrested three people and are seeking a fourth in connection with what they say is a terror plot against John F. Kennedy International Airport.

Officials say the suspects were planning to use explosives to attack aircraft fuel pipelines that service the airport.

Federal authorities say they filed charges against the group after an investigation that began in January of 2006.

Authorities say one of the defendants, a native of Guyana and a former airport employee, was arrested in New York.

Another member of the group is said to be a former member of parliament and former local mayor in Guyana. He and another suspect were detained in Trinidad, while the fourth individual is said to be at large on that caribbean island.

Sources say the plot never got past the planning stage, and did not pose an imminent threat to air passengers.(미국의 소리 2007.6.2)



Four charged over JFK 'bomb plot'
John F Kennedy airport in New York City - file photo
JFK's fuel tanks and pipeline were the target of the alleged plot
Four people have been charged in the US over a plot to bomb John F Kennedy airport in New York, US officials said.

They include a former cargo worker and a former MP for the Caribbean nation of Guyana. one of the suspects is a fugitive, believed to be in Trinidad.

The plot, which did not go past the planning stages, involved blowing up the airport's fuel tanks and pipeline, justice department officials said.

One arrest was in New York and the other two took place in Trinidad.

The four men are charged with conspiring to bomb one of the busiest airports in the United States.

It was one of the most chilling plots imaginable," US attorney Roslynn Mauskopf told a news conference.

"Had the plot been carried out, it could have resulted in unfathomable damage, deaths and destruction."

Police and Justice Department officials announce the arrests in New York
US attorney Roslynn Mauskopf (centre) said the plot was "chilling"
The pipeline is 40 miles (64km) long and carries jet fuel from New Jersey and through the New York boroughs of Staten Island, Brooklyn and Queens.

The pipeline serves two other airports in the area - LaGuardia and Newark Liberty.

The FBI said the alleged plot never got beyond the planning stages and there was no threat to air safety or to the public, but that the group's intentions were never in doubt.

one clear signature of this cell was its persistence, they consistently worked to refine their plot," said Mark Mershon of the FBI's New York office.

"They took extensive measures to seek expert advice, finances and explosives."

Airport videotaped

The former JFK cargo worker was arrested in Brooklyn late on Friday and named as Russell Defreitas, originally from Guyana.

Mr Defreitas was arraigned in New York City on Saturday afternoon, but did not enter a plea.

He is to be held pending a bail hearing on Wednesday, US prosecutors said.

Guyanese citizen Abdul Kadir, a former member of Guyana's parliament, and Kareem Ibrahim, from Trinidad, are in custody in Trinidad and Tobago.

Any time you hit Kennedy, it is the most hurtful thing to the United States
Alleged statement by Russell Defreitas

Abdul Nur, from Guyana, is still being sought and is believed to be in Trinidad and Tobago.

The alleged plot was brought to light when Mr Defreitas recruited an FBI informant to help him in the plan, officials said.

The alleged plotters conducted surveillance of the airport, including videotaping their targets and downloading satellite images from the internet, officials said.

The informant recorded some of the conversations he had with Mr Defreitas.

"Any time you hit Kennedy, it is the most hurtful thing to the United States," Mr Defreitas said, according to a recording played to reporters.

"To hit John F Kennedy, wow... they love John F Kennedy like he's the man... if you hit that, this whole country will be in mourning. You can kill the man twice."

Landmarks targeted

In another recorded conversation the suspect was alleged to have said: "Even the twin towers can't touch it," referring to the attack on the World Trade Centre in New York City on 11 September 2001 that killed more than 3,000 people.

"This can destroy the economy of America for some time," Mr Defreitas was alleged to have said.

The arrests are the latest in a series of alleged plots targeting American facilities and landmarks.

Six men were arrested last month on charges of plotting to attack Fort Dix army base in the state of New Jersey.

Three people were arrested in July last year outside the US in connection with a plan to suicide bomb the tunnel under the Hudson River connecting Manhattan with New Jersey.

And in June 2006, seven suspects were charged over an alleged plot to destroy the country's tallest building - the Sears Tower in Chicago.