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1989년 유럽혁명 "공산독재정부 타도 투쟁운동" 본문


1989년 유럽혁명 "공산독재정부 타도 투쟁운동"

CIA Bear 허관(許灌) 2009. 4. 26. 13:12

1989년 유럽혁명은 "공산독재정부 타도 투쟁운동"과 "독일통일"이 성취했습니다 1989년 유럽 자유화 개방화 민주화 운동이 유럽 사회 전체 통합이 가능했고 자본주의민주주의 혁명 후 자유주의와 사회주의 공존 열린사회 자유민주정부 탄생이 가능했습니다 동아시아지역에서도 1989년 유럽혁명처럼 공산독재정부(국가사회주의 사회당이나 노동당정부 독재) 타도가 돼야 합니다 그래야 동아시아지역에서 전쟁과 살인만행이 사라질 수 있습니다(Red stars are removed as communism relinquishes its grip in central Europe)




                                                          Red stars are removed as communism relinquishes its grip in central Europe



Mapping the fall of communism



                                                                Two decades later, the ruins of Soviet tanks can still be found in Kabul

1989: Key events in Europe's revolution

The fall of the Iron Curtain which lifted communist rule across a swathe of Europe was as swift as it was unexpected. Click on the links below to watch and read about the main events in a dramatic and tumultuous year.

6 February

Solidarity enters talks

Poland's government opens talks with banned trade union

Members of Solidarity at the start of talks with the Polish government


2 May

Hungary dismantles border

Tear in Iron Curtain as Hungary removes border fence

Hungarian border guards dismantle border fencing

4 June

Solidarity wins

Election success propels Solidarity into government

Solidarity supporters with Solidarity flag


23 August

Baltics link hands

Million-strong human chain links restive Baltic states

Women hold hands in the human chain linking Baltic states


10 September

East Germans go West

Hungary opens border for East Germans to leave

An East German holds up his new West German passport as he crosses border


2 October

Gorbachev in East Berlin

Soviet leader warns East not to delay reform

Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev greets East German leader Erich Honecker


28 October

Czech crackdown

Authorities battle students as Velvet Revolution unfolds

Czechoslovak police chase pro-democracy protesters


9 November

Berlin Wall falls

East Berliners flood through broken Wall

Crowds gather around hole in the Berlin Wall as East German guards look on


10 November

Bulgaria buckles

Longtime leader Todor Zhivkov resigns

Todor Zhivkov, Bulgaria's long serving Communist leader

24 November

Velvet Revolution

Czechoslovak dissidents force Politburo to resign

Czech dissident playwright Vaclav Havel and former Czechoslovak leader Alexander Dubcek


17 December

Romania erupts

Violence sweeps the country after bloody crackdown

Romania security forces in Timisoara during the crackdown


25 December

Ceausescu executed

Firing squad ends Romanian leader's hardline rule

Nicolae Ceausescu, Romania's executed Communist leader


Further in-depth analysis and maps showing the fall of Communism are available in the 1989 special report.