Asia-Pacific Region Intelligence Center
UNAIDS, 에이즈 사망자 수 감소 (E) 본문
UNAIDS, 에이즈 사망자 수 감소 (E)
CIA Bear 허관(許灌) 2008. 7. 31. 21:17유엔은 후천성면역결핍증, 에이즈로 인한 사망자 수가 줄어들고 있으나 에이즈의 확산은 계속되고 있다고 밝혔습니다.
유엔 산하 유엔 에이즈는 지난 해 에이즈 관련 사망사례가 2005년에 비해 20만 건 줄어든 약 2백 만 건을 기록했다고 전했습니다.
유엔에이즈는 에이즈를 일으키는 HIV 바이러스의 새로운 감염사례도 감염사례가 높은 일부 국가들에서 현저히 줄어들었다고 밝혔습니다.
The United Nations says fewer people are dying of AIDS but cautions the epidemic is not over in any part of the world.
In its annual report today (Tuesday), the U.N. agency that monitors AIDS says AIDS-related deaths declined last year to about two-million, a drop of 200-thousand since 2005.
UNAIDS says there have also been significant gains in preventing new infections of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, in some of the most heavily affected countries.
The agency credits the gains to changes in sexual behavior, better access to anti-retroviral treatment and improved government programs.
But UNAIDS says the rate of new HIV infections is rising in many countries, such as China, Kenya, Russia, Britain and Germany. The agency says long-term financing is needed to combat the epidemic, especially as those with the disease live longer with improved treatment.
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