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몽골 대통령, 나흘간 국가 비상사태 선포. 총선 휴유증으로 5명 사망 본문

Guide Ear&Bird's Eye/몽골

몽골 대통령, 나흘간 국가 비상사태 선포. 총선 휴유증으로 5명 사망

CIA Bear 허관(許灌) 2008. 7. 2. 20:11
*몽골 대통령, 나흘간 국가 비상사태 선포 (E)


몽골에서 지난달 29일 실시된 총선 결과에 항의하는 폭력 시위가 이어져 남바리 엥흐바야르 몽골 대통령이 1일 4일간의 국가 비상사태를 선포했습니다.

Nambaryn Enkhbayar is interviewed by Andre de Nesnera, 22 Oct 2007
VOA 방송과 인터뷰를 가진 남바리 엥흐바야르 몽골 대통령
대통령령에 의해 1일 자정직후 시작되는 이 기간 동안 몽골의 수도 울란 바토르에서는 모든 집회가 금지됩니다.


성난 시위대는 부정선거 의혹을 제기하며 1일 경찰과 충돌하고 여당 당사에 불을 질렀으며 이에 대해 경찰은 고무총탄과 최루탄을 사용해 시위대 해산에 나섰습니다.

선거 결과는 아직 발표되지 않았지만 잠정 개표 결과에 따르면 여당인 몽골인민혁명당이 의석 76석중 46석을 얻었습니다.


Mongolian President Nambaryn Enkhbayar has declared a four-day state of emergency in the capital following violent protests over Sunday's parliamentary elections.

According to the presidential decree, no public gathering will be allowed in Ulan Bator during the emergency period beginning Wednesday after midnight.

Angry protesters on Tuesday clashed with police and set fire to the offices of the ruling party, accusing it of voter fraud. Police responded by firing rubber bullets and tear gas.

The full results of the election have yet to be released, but preliminary results show the ruling Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party winning more than 40 of parliament's 76 seats.


*몽골 수도 울란바뜨르 비상사태 선포

몽골 수도 울란바따르에서 현지 시간으로 7월 2일 0시부터 4일간의 비상사태가 선포됐습니다.

엥흐바야르 몽골 대통령은 1일 저녁 명령서에 조인하고 비상사태 기간 몽골 무장역량과 강력부문에서 모든 수단을 동원해 인민들의 생명과 재산안전을 수호하며 9가지 구체적인 조치를 취해 폭력사건이 조성한 손실을 최대한도로 줄일 것을 요구했습니다.

비상사태 실시 기간 수도 울란바따르시의 주요한 거리는 22시부터 이틀날 8시 까지 야간 통행금지를 실시하게 되며 불법집회를 엄금하고 알콜음료의 판매와 식용을 금지하게 됩니다. 이밖에 몽골 국가 공중텔레비전방송을 제외한 모든 텔레비전 채널은 방송을 잠시적으로 중지하게 됩니다.

몽골은 6월 29일 의회 교체선거 투표를 실시했으며 7월 1일, 선거결과에 불복하는 몽골의 일부 정당이 시위활동을 주도해 심각한 폭력사태로 변했습니다. 현재까지 알려진 바로는 의회 제1대 당인 몽골 인민혁명당의 중앙본부 청사가 완전히 불에 타고 약 백명이 부상한것으로 나타났습니다.



*Mongolia election clashes kill 5

Mongolia's government says that 5 people died and 329 others were injured in clashes between police and protestors in disturbances over alleged fraud in Sunday's general election.

President Nambaryn Enkhbayar declared a 4-day state of emergency on Tuesday, banning rallies.

The election committee has yet to announce the final result, but the governing Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party has declared victory, saying that it gained a majority in the parliament.

The largest opposition Democratic Party claimed on Tuesday that the election was rigged, alleging problems with the ballot counting.

Thousands of opposition supporters gathered in front of the ruling party headquarters in central Ulan Bator on Tuesday. Some of them threw stones and set fire to the building. Police clashed with protestors as they moved in to end the disturbance.

The Japanese Embassy in Ulan Bator says that a Japanese correspondent from Fuji Television was among the injured. It says the man suffered a fractured skull. He was rushed back to Japan for medical treatment on Wednesday.




Fatal clashes in Mongolia capital

An injured man in Ulan Bator on 1 July 2008
Dozens of people are reported to have been injured in the clashes

Five people have died in violent protests in the Mongolian capital Ulan Bator over alleged electoral fraud, says Justice Minister Tsend Munkhorgil.

More than 300 people were hurt, he said, including many police. Hundreds of people have been detained.

The president has declared a state of emergency and curfew, and parts of the city have been sealed off.

Opposition supporters question early results from Sunday's parliamentary poll, which the ruling party won.

Preliminary returns suggest the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party (MPRP) has taken at least 45 seats in the 76-seat parliament, but the opposition Democrats allege fraud.

'Necessary force'

Several thousand people gathered on to the streets of the capital after the preliminary results emerged on Tuesday.

The ruling party headquarters were set alight and government offices were looted. Paintings were destroyed by a fire at the national art gallery, Mongolia's Montsame news agency said.


Protesters set fire to the headquarters of the ruling party

Police used tear gas, rubber bullets and water cannon to force stone-throwing protesters back.

Justice Minister Munkhorgil said five people had died, but gave no further details of those killed.

A Japanese citizen - thought to work for a news organisation - was among the injured, he said.

Late on Tuesday, President Nambaryn Enkhbayar announced a four-day state of emergency.

"Police will use necessary force to crack down on criminals who are looting private and government property," said Mr Munkhorgil.

The capital has been placed under a 2200 to 0800 curfew, and alcohol sales banned.

By Wednesday morning some roadblocks remained in place, an Associated Press reporter in Ulan Bator said, but shops were open and transport was running.

Lawmakers and officials were to meet in the capital later in the day for emergency talks on the situation, Montsame said.

Mineral row

Both the MPRP and international observers say the polls were free and fair.


But Democratic Party leader Tsakhia Elbegdorj said his party was robbed of victory.

"If most people voted for us why did we lose? We lost because... corrupt people changed the results," he said.

This is the fifth election since Mongolia adopted wide-ranging economic and politic reforms in 1990.

Before that, its government was modelled on that of the neighbouring Soviet Union.

The MPRP ruled Mongolia from 1921 to 1996, when it was beaten by the Democrats. In 2004 the two parties were forced into an uneasy coalition but broke apart two years later.

The two parties disagree on how newly-found mineral reserves - copper, gold and coal - should best be exploited.