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Asia-Pacific Region Intelligence Center

미국정부, 김만복 국가정보원장의 대통령선거때 정치적 중립 노고 치하 본문

국가정보원 안보모니터

미국정부, 김만복 국가정보원장의 대통령선거때 정치적 중립 노고 치하

CIA Bear 허관(許灌) 2008. 2. 11. 18:16

 미국정부, 김만복 국가정보원장의 대통령선거때 정치적 중립 노고 치하.. 남북 총격전이나 반미여성회등 수사보다 남북관계 신뢰구축 노력..

 노무현 대통령은 오늘 방북 대화록 유출에 대한 책임을 물어 김만복 국정원장의 사표를 수리했습니다.

천호선 청와대 홍보수석은 김만복 원장이 지난달 15일 사표를 제출했을 당시 일정한 책임을 지우는 것이 필요하다고 판단했지만 북풍공작 의혹 등이 제기되는 상황에서 성급하게 사표를 수리하는 것이 부적절하며 국정원장 공백을 최소화해야 한다는 점 등을 고려해 사표 수리를 미뤘다면서, 이제 총선에 출마하는 장관들의 사의 수용 시점에 맞춰 노 대통령이 사표를 수리한 것이라고 설명했습니다.

천 수석은 이와 함께 김 원장이 유출한 방북 대화록 내용이 국가기밀인지 여부에 대해 청와대가 법률검토 작업을 통해 일정한 판단은 하고 있으나 검찰 수사를 고려해 공개하지는 않는다고 덧붙였습니다.

국정원은 다음 정부 구성 때까지 1차장이 원장 대행을 맡게 됩니다.








Director of the Central Intelligence Agency
The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency is General Michael V. Hayden, USAF. The D/CIA serves as the head of the Central Intelligence Agency and reports to the Director of National Intelligence. The D/CIA is nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. The Director manages the operations, personnel and budget of the CIA and acts as the National Human Source Intelligence (HUMINT) Manager.

Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency

The Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency is Stephen R. Kappes. The DD/CIA assists the Director in his duties as head of the CIA and exercises the powers of the Director when the Director’s position is vacant or in the Director’s absence or disability.

Associate Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency

The Associate Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, a position created July 5, 2006, was delegated all authorities and responsibilities vested previously in the post of Executive Director. The post of Executive Director, which was responsible for managing the CIA on a day-to-day basis, was simultaneously abolished. The current, and first, Associate Deputy Director is Michael J. Morell.

Director of Intelligence
The Directorate of Intelligence, the analytical branch of the CIA, is responsible for the production and dissemination of all-source intelligence analysis on key foreign issues. The current director is John A. Kringen.

Director of the National Clandestine Service

The National Clandestine Service is responsible for the clandestine collection of foreign intelligence. The current director is Michael Sulick.

Director of Science & Technology

The Directorate of Science and Technology creates and applies innovative technology in support of the intelligence collection mission. The current director is Stephanie L. O’Sullivan.

Director of Support
The Directorate of Support provides the mission critical elements of the Agency's support foundation: people, security, information, property, and financial operations. The current director is Scott White.

Director of the Center for the Study of Intelligence
The Center for the Study of Intelligence maintains the Agency's historical materials and promotes the study of intelligence as a legitimate and serious discipline. The current director is Carmen A. Medina.

General Counsel
The Office of General Counsel advises the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency on all legal matters relating to his role as CIA director and is the principal source of legal counsel for the CIA. The current Acting General Counsel is John A. Rizzo.

Director of Public Affairs
The Office of Public Affairs advises the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency on all media, public policy, and employee communications issues relating to his role as CIA director and is the CIA’s principal communications focal point for the media, the general public and Agency employees. The current Director of Public Affairs is Mark Mansfield.



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