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Asia-Pacific Region Intelligence Center

A mother and her poverty-stricken family 본문


A mother and her poverty-stricken family

CIA Bear 허관(許灌) 2015. 10. 11. 13:09


Huang Huiying, 66, lives in Shatang Village, Lingui County in southern China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. During the long years, Huang has endured all kinds of hardships, struggling to bring up her three mentally-retarded children and two healthy grandchildren. In the picture, Huang does housework while her children and granddaughter watch.



In the picture, Huang Huiying's two healthy granddaughters play with their two mentally-retarded uncles.



Sixty-six-year-old Huang Huiying looks much older than her age with almost all of her teeth having come out. Speaking of all kinds of hardships she has endured in bringing up her children and grandchildren, Huang cannot help but choke with sobs, and tears roll down her wrinkled cheeks.



Huang Huiying sends her granddaughter to school, located three kilometers away from home, at six every morning after preparing meals for her three mentally-retarded children.



Huang Huiying picks up a steamed bun from the ground on her way home. To save money, Huang hasn't bought any meat in the past four years. Her family could get 3,800 yuan of minimum living guarantee each quarter from the local county government and the number has increased to 5,300 yuan since May 2015



After sending her eldest granddaughter to school every morning, Huang Huiying comes to a nearby rice-noodle restaurant to collect the leftovers and take them home to feed chickens.



In this picture, Huang Huiying carries her second granddaughter on her back while collecting scraps on a construction site. After sending her first granddaughter to school, Huang Huiying usually takes her second granddaughter to local residential areas or construction sites to collect and sell scraps to earn money



In this picture, Huang Huiying takes her two granddaughters together to local residential areas or construction sites to collect and sell scraps to earn money



Huang Huiying's second granddaughter wears slippers of different size and color which Huang picked up in a garbage heap.



Huang Huiying has to get the meals ready for her mentally-retarded sons before leaving home to send her granddaughter to school and later collect scraps at local construction sites. In the picture, her second son eats when Huang arrives home with her two granddaughters



Huang Huiying and her granddaughter eat a meal cooked using only rice and soy sauce.



Huang Huiying helps her mentally-retarded son walk in the village. Huang's two sons also suffer from muscular atrophy which makes them unable to control their bodies' balance and even unable to walk.



In this picture, Huang Huiying stays with her sons and granddaughter. The granddaughter tries to do a shoulder massage for her grandmother



Huang Huiying and her three mentally-retarded children and two healthy grandchildren pose for a picture. Huang always worries that nobody will take care of her children and grandchildren after she dies


중국에서는 약 2,600만명의 빈곤 지역 학생들이 영양 부족의 처지에 놓여 있다

중국 1인당 국민소득은 13,801달러(2015년도, 세계 76위)이다

현재, 중국에는 경제성장의 이면에, 빈부의 격차, 치안, 실업, 부패 등의 문제가 심각하게 되었다. 생활고 및 토지수용이나 독직 등 당국에의 불만으로부터 중국 각지에서 데모와 폭동이 빈발하고 있다.

중국 주민 계층은 상류층, 중산층, 평민층(서민층), 빈곤층으로 구분할 수 있다

1990년 빈곤율은 50%이나, 최근 많이 줄었다

개혁 개방 이후의 활발한 경제 발전의 이면에는 국민의 80%를 차지하는 농민과 도시 지역 사람들과의 소득 격차 문제가 있으며, 이는 평등을 중요하게 생각하는 공산주의로부터의 일탈을 의미한다

중국은 토지 이외 모든 물건을 사유재산으로 인정함으로 사회정부이지만 자본주의 국가이다(토지는 국가나 협동농장 소유이다)

중국은 군정분리주의 군사정책으로 인민해방군(군사위원회)이 중국 권력을 사실상 장악하고 있다 중국정부의 상류층은 기업인이나 경영인이 아닌 고위 당간부 공무원이나 군부(군벌)이다 

중국이 아직도 국영자본체제(국영기업, 국가기업-국가독점자본주의)이기 때문이다

중국이 부의 평등과 선진국으로 나아가기 위해서는 자본주의민주주의 혁명 후 자유주의(자유권)와 사회주의(사회권=생존권) 공존(존중) 자유사회(민주정부)가 돼야 한다