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덩샤오핑 개혁·개방 기여한 싱가포르 리콴유 前 총리 본문
“중국이 동남아에 대한 공산혁명 수출 전략을 버리고 화교들을 상대로 한 공산당 이데올로기 선전 방송을 중단하면 중국의 경제 개발에 적극 협력하겠다”(리콴유 前 총리와 등소평 前 주석 대화)
리콴유 전 싱가포르 총리의 타계에 세계 지도자들이 애도를 표했다. 중국은 리 전 총리와의 인연을 강조하며 각별한 뜻을 표시했다.
중국은 시진핑(習近平) 국가주석과 리커창(李克强) 총리, 장더장(張德江) 전국인민대표대회 상무위원장, 장가오리(張高麗) 국무원 상무부총리가 각각 조전을 보냈다. 국가 수반급인 정치국 상무위원 7명 중 4명이 별도의 조전을 보낸 건 이례적이다. 시 주석은 고인을 “존경하는 어르신이자 중국인의 오랜 친구”라며 “그의 타계는 국제사회의 큰 손실”이라고 했다.
Former minister mentor of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew and the incumbent Chinese President Xi Jinping, who was then the vice president, attend the unveiling ceremony of Deng Xiaoping's monument launched along the Singapore River in 2010.
이런 분위기는 리 전 총리가 화교 후예란 혈통에서 비롯된 것만은 아니다. 53세 때인 1976년 중국 땅을 처음 밟은 리 전 총리는 33차례 중국을 방문했고, 마오쩌둥(毛澤東)에서 시 주석에게 이르기까지 역대 중국 최고 지도자와 모두 회담한 유일한 외국인이다.
Lee Kuan Yew welcomes the late Chinese reformer Deng Xiaoping at Paya Lebar Airport, Singapore, during his state visit in November 1978, when China was at a juncture in its ensuing transformation.
이 중 가장 중요한 만남은 78년 11월 덩샤오핑(鄧小平)과의 회동이었다. 열아홉 살 아래인 리 전 총리는 “중국이 동남아에 대한 공산혁명 수출 전략을 버리고 화교들을 상대로 한 공산당 이데올로기 선전 방송을 중단하면 중국의 경제 개발에 적극 협력하겠다”고 약속했다. 덩은 외국 자본을 빌려 일자리를 만들고 국가 재정을 늘려 부유해진 싱가포르의 발전상을 직접 목격하고 돌아와 공산당 11기 3중전회에서 개혁개방을 중국의 국가전략으로 공식 채택했다.
Former Chinese President Jiang Zemin meets with the then visiting Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew at Zhongnanhai, the offices and official residence complex of the Chinese central government in Beijing in 2002.
Former Chinese President Hu Jintao meets with the then visiting Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing in 2007.
Lee Kuan Yew tells the then visiting Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao in Singapore on Nov. 19, 2007 that he believes China will stick to its peaceful rise without taking advantage of any other countries, though it will display its growing influence during the process.
Former Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and former Singapore Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew attend the launch ceremony of the Business China program in Singapore in 2007, aimed at building a bilingual talent pool for the business network of the two countries.
Former Singapore Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew meets with the incumbent Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, who was then vice premier at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on May 17, 2010
Singapore former Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew meets with the incumbent Chinese President Xi Jinping, who was then the vice president, in Singapore in 2010. Almost three years later, Lee published one Man's View of the World," a book showing his insights and analysis on the landscapes of major countries and international trends.
In his book, Lee Kuan Yew compared Xi to the late South African statesman Nelson Mandela and wrote that the incumbent Chinese President, with his wits and comprehensive views, was capable of handling domestic and global challenges at the crucial moment China has reached, and win support from the Communist Party of China (CPC).
Lee Kuan Yew and his supporters parade in 1959 in Singapore. Having received a British education in his youth, the lawyer-turned political figure embarked on his political career after he set up the People's Action Party (PAP) with left-wing students and labor union leaders.
Dubbed "the founding father of modern Singapore," Lee Kuan Yew has paid 27 visits to China where he has established relations with Chinese leaders over three generations and witnessed the crucial moments of China's reform and opening up.
Lee Kuan Yew leads a celebration gathering to shout "Merdeka! Merdeka!" (Freedom! Freedom!) after he became the first prime minister of the newly autonomous government of Singapore when the PAP gained an overwhelming victory in the legislative council election.
Lee Kuan Yew (front L 1) visits the Badaling Great Wall during his icebreaking diplomatic trip to China from May 10 to 23, 1976. It was the first time the former Singapore prime minister set foot on Chinese territory.
Lee Kuan Yew gives an interview with Chinese TV hostess Yang Lan in 2009 in Istana, the office and official residence of the president in Singapore.
Despite Lee Kuan Yew's close relations with China's state leaders since his initial talks with Deng Xiaoping in the late 1970s, Singapore is the last one among the founding members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to establish diplomatic ties with China. Bilateral ties between the two countries were not established until 1990.
On his 90th birthday in 2013, Lee Kuan Yew's new book "Lee Kuan Yew: The Grand Master's Insights on China, the United States and the World" made its debut in the Chinese book market.
Lee Kuan Yew, a tough political figure in Singapore, shows his tender heart at the funeral of his wife Kwa Geok Choo in 2010. He said he was deeply saddened at the time as he had to bid farewell to her.
According to one Man's View of the World," Lee Kuan Yew's health has been deteriorating after the death of his wife. He told his doctors that when he has to be straw fed, he would rather let the doctors pull the straw out and let him die a quick death.
Lee Kuan Yew has been hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit of Singapore General Hospital for severe pneumonia over the past few weeks. His condition is still in observation.
->"Democracy reverse is dictatorship (Totalitarianism) which Communism is not
and capitalism reverse is Communism.
Capitalism Anti Communism! Democracy Anti Totalitarianism(Dictatorship)!
Since Capitalism Democracy's revolution, liberalism(Civil liberties) and socialism(living rights) coexistence(Respect) democratic republic(freedom society) It is.[Night Watch-Light through the Darkness]"
"In a different world we need to find a niche for ourselves[Lee Kuan Yew]"
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