Asia-Pacific Region Intelligence Center
Hu to visit S. Korea starting next Monday 본문
China and South Korea are to discuss ways to work closely as strategic partners when Chinese President Hu Jintao visits Seoul starting next Monday.
Hu is to tour South Korea, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan after the Beijing Olympics end on Sunday. During his two-day stay in South Korea, he is expected to hold talks with its President Lee Myung Bak.
South Korean media say Lee is eager to step up cooperation with China to seek progress on North Korea's denuclearization, including procedures for verifying the country's declaration of its nuclear activities.
Hu and Lee agreed at their summit in May that their countries will work together closely as strategic partners.
The 2 leaders are set to discuss such issues as cooperation on alternative energy sources, desertification of China and operating a network to promote information on trade and investment.
The talks will precede a trilateral summit among Japan, China and South Korea scheduled for September.
The coming China-South Korea summit will be the third of its kind attended by the 2 leaders since Lee took office in February.
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