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China believes Ban Ki-Moon will play important role in UN 본문


China believes Ban Ki-Moon will play important role in UN

CIA Bear 허관(許灌) 2006. 10. 28. 10:10
China believes Ban Ki-Moon will play important role in UN Friday, October 27, 2006

Chinese President Hu Jintao (R) meets with UN Secretary General-designate and South Korean Foreign Minister Ban Ki-moon in Beijing, Oct. 27, 2006. [Xinhua Photo]

Chinese President Hu Jintao Friday said he believes Ban Ki-Moon will play an important role in the United Nations and make important contributions to promoting the world peace and common development.

Hu made the remarks in a meeting with Ban Ki-Moon, the UN secretary-general designate and Foreign Minister of the Republic of Korea (ROK).

Congratulating Ban on his election as the UN secretary-general designate, Hu said it was not easy to have another UN secretary-general from Asia after 35 years.

The UN General Assembly on Oct. 13 appointed with acclamation Ban as the world body's next secretary-general to succeed Kofi Annan when he steps down on Dec. 31.

Hu said facing an important historical period during which global challenges and threat are escalating, all nations place high hope to the UN.

It is the consensus of the international community on advocating multipolarization and safeguarding the principles of the UN charter, and on strengthening the role of the UN, he added.

Hu said China, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, has long been the backbone to promote world peace and development.

"We will, as always, continue to support the work of the UN secretary-general," hu said.

He vowed that China will participate in the UN's activities on security, development and human rights with the responsible and constructive attitude, and safeguard the UN's privilege.

Ban arrived in Beijing Friday morning. During his one-day visit, he met with Chinese State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan and Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing.

Noting he appreciated China's great support when he ran for his post, Ban said he will cooperate closely with China and make joint efforts to address the issues including the UN reform.

He said the UN should work with the international community to deal with the new challenges.

He pledged to build a harmonious UN, which will play a greater role in the world and will win more support from the international community.

The two sides also exchanged views on the international and regional issues.

China congratulates ROK's Ban as new UN Secretary-General
China insists new UN secretary-general come from Asia
Editor: Mo Honge
Source: Xinhua
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