Asia-Pacific Region Intelligence Center
Unmanned food delivery vehicles put into use in Xiamen, Fujian 본문
Unmanned food delivery vehicles put into use in Xiamen, Fujian
CIA Bear 허관(許灌) 2020. 11. 20. 18:33A woman selects meals on a smartphone after scanning the QR code on an unmanned food delivery vehicle at Huli Innovation Park in Xiamen, southeast China's Fujian Province, Nov. 6, 2020. Four unmanned food delivery vehicles supported by 5G and AI technologies were put into use recently at the innovation park. Every vehicle can carry more than 200 sets of breakfasts or 100 sets of lunches or dinners. Staff here can get the meal after paying by scanning QR code on the vehicle with a smartphone. Attemperator is installed in the vehicle to keep meals hot. (Photo by Zeng Demeng/Xinhua)
[2020년 11월 6일 중국 남동부 푸젠 성 샤먼 훌리 이노베이션 파크에서 무인 음식 배달 차량 QR 코드를 스캔한 여성이 스마트 폰에서 식사를 선택합니다. 5G 및 AI 기술이 지원하는 4대의 무인 음식 배달 차량이 탑재 되었습니다. 최근 혁신 공원에서 사용. 모든 차량은 200 세트 이상의 아침 식사 또는 100 세트의 점심 또는 저녁 식사를 운반 할 수 있습니다. 여기 직원은 스마트 폰으로 차량의 QR 코드를 스캔하여 결제 후 식사를 받을 수 있습니다. 차량에 감 온기가 설치되어 식사를 뜨겁게 유지합니다]
Photo taken on Nov. 6, 2020 shows an unmanned food delivery vehicle at Huli Innovation Park in Xiamen, southeast China's Fujian Province. Four unmanned food delivery vehicles supported by 5G and AI technologies were put into use recently at the innovation park. Every vehicle can carry more than 200 sets of breakfasts or 100 sets of lunches or dinners. Staff here can get the meal after paying by scanning QR code on the vehicle with a smartphone. Attemperator is installed in the vehicle to keep meals hot. (Photo by Zeng Demeng/Xinhua)
Photo taken on Nov. 6, 2020 shows an unmanned food delivery vehicle that has been disinfected at Huli Innovation Park in Xiamen, southeast China's Fujian Province. Four unmanned food delivery vehicles supported by 5G and AI technologies were put into use recently at the innovation park. Every vehicle can carry more than 200 sets of breakfasts or 100 sets of lunches or dinners. Staff here can get the meal after paying by scanning QR code on the vehicle with a smartphone. Attemperator is installed in the vehicle to keep meals hot. (Photo by Zeng Demeng/Xinhua)
A man gets his meal from an unmanned food delivery vehicle after paying by scanning QR code on the vehicle at Huli Innovation Park in Xiamen, southeast China's Fujian Province, Nov. 6, 2020. Four unmanned food delivery vehicles supported by 5G and AI technologies were put into use recently at the innovation park. Every vehicle can carry more than 200 sets of breakfasts or 100 sets of lunches or dinners. Staff here can get the meal after paying by scanning QR code on the vehicle with a smartphone. Attemperator is installed in the vehicle to keep meals hot. (Photo by Zeng Demeng/Xinhua)
[2020년 11월 6일 중국 남동부 푸젠 성 샤먼 훌리 이노베이션 파크에서 QR 코드를 스캔해 결제한 남성이 무인 음식배달 차량에서 식사를 받습니다. 5G와 AI 기술이 지원하는 4대의 무인 음식 배달 차량은 최근 혁신 공원에서 사용되었습니다. 모든 차량은 200세트 이상의 아침 식사 또는 100세트의 점심 또는 저녁 식사를 운반 할 수 있습니다. 여기 직원은 스마트 폰으로 차량의 QR 코드를 스캔하여 결제 후 식사를받을 수 있습니다. 차량에 감 온기가 설치되어 식사를 뜨겁게 유지합니다. ]
People get their meals from an unmanned food delivery vehicle after paying by scanning QR code on the vehicle at Huli Innovation Park in Xiamen, southeast China's Fujian Province, Nov. 6, 2020. Four unmanned food delivery vehicles supported by 5G and AI technologies were put into use recently at the innovation park. Every vehicle can carry more than 200 sets of breakfasts or 100 sets of lunches or dinners. Staff here can get the meal after paying by scanning QR code on the vehicle with a smartphone. Attemperator is installed in the vehicle to keep meals hot. (Photo by Zeng Demeng/Xinhua)
[사람들은 2020년 11월 6일 중국 남동부 푸젠 성 샤먼 훌리 이노베이션 파크에서 QR 코드를 스캔하여 결제한 후 무인 음식 배달 차량에서 식사를 받습니다. 최근 혁신 공원에서 사용 되었습니다. 모든 차량은 200세트 이상의 아침 식사 또는 100세트의 점심 또는 저녁 식사를 운반 할 수 있습니다. 여기 직원은 스마트 폰으로 차량의 QR 코드를 스캔하여 결제 후 식사를받을 수 있습니다. 차량에 감 온기가 설치되어 식사를 뜨겁게 유지합니다]
A woman gets her meal from an unmanned food delivery vehicle after paying by scanning QR code on the vehicle at Huli Innovation Park in Xiamen, southeast China's Fujian Province, Nov. 6, 2020. Four unmanned food delivery vehicles supported by 5G and AI technologies were put into use recently at the innovation park. Every vehicle can carry more than 200 sets of breakfasts or 100 sets of lunches or dinners. Staff here can get the meal after paying by scanning QR code on the vehicle with a smartphone. Attemperator is installed in the vehicle to keep meals hot. (Photo by Zeng Demeng/Xinhua)
Photo taken on Nov. 6, 2020 shows an unmanned food delivery vehicle at Huli Innovation Park in Xiamen, southeast China's Fujian Province. Four unmanned food delivery vehicles supported by 5G and AI technologies were put into use recently at the innovation park. Every vehicle can carry more than 200 sets of breakfasts or 100 sets of lunches or dinners. Staff here can get the meal after paying by scanning QR code on the vehicle with a smartphone. Attemperator is installed in the vehicle to keep meals hot. (Photo by Zeng Demeng/Xinhua)
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