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미셸 오바마, 미국 올림픽 대표팀 격려 본문

-미국 언론-/아시아뉴스

미셸 오바마, 미국 올림픽 대표팀 격려

CIA Bear 허관(許灌) 2012. 7. 28. 19:52


                                       First Lady Michelle Obama is leading the U.S delegation to the London Olympics to cheer on Team USA

바마 미국 대통령의 부인 미셸 오바마 여사가 런던 올림픽 개막식에 앞서 미국 선수단을 격려했습니다.

미셸 오바마 여사는 선수단과의 조찬에서 악수와 포옹을 한 뒤 미국 국민들이 선수단을 자랑스럽게 여기고 응원하고 있다고 말했습니다. 오바마 여사는 27일 엘리자베스 영국 여왕이 주최하는 환영회에 이어 올림픽 개막식에 참석했습니다.

한편 공화당의 대선 주자인 미트 롬니 전 주지사는 데이비드 카메론 영국 총리를 비롯한 고위관리들을 만난 뒤, 이번 런던올림픽이 매우 성공적인 행사가 될 것으로 기대한다고 말했습니다. 앞서 롬니 후보는 언론 인터뷰에서 영국의 올림픽 개최 능력에 의구심을 나타내는 듯한 발언을 해 구설수에 올랐습니다.


                                                              7월 27일 런던의 미국 선수단 훈련장을 찾아 선수들을 격려하는 미쉘 오바마(가운데)





                                 The First Lady Leads The Presidential Delegation To The 2012 Olympic Games In London  “Let’s Move! London”

First Lady Michelle Obama Hosts Let's Move! London

Today, First Lady Michelle Obama joined 2,000 American military children and American and British students at Let’s Move! London, an event held to spread the spirit of the Olympic Games in London. The First Lady is leading the U.S. Delegation to the Summer Games and Let’s Move! London was designed to turn the inspiration of the Olympic and Paralympic Games into action by encouraging kids to get moving.

“That’s what Let's Move is all about. It’s about helping kids like you live happier, healthier lives,” Mrs. Obama told the crowd gathered at the U.S. Ambassador's Residence in London. “And that’s really why we brought you all here today… because we want you to see that there all kinds of ways that you can stay active and have fun doing it. You don't have to be an Olympian. You don't have to join a team. But there are so many ways that you can have fun and keep yourselves moving.”

Taking her own advice, the First Lady participated in a whirl of activities -- starting with a soccer game alongside David Beckham, Brandi Chastain, players from Manchester United, and Spongebob Squarepants as the goalie. Next up was the NBA Fit station, where Mrs. Obama practiced ladder hurdles with Grant Hill and Dikembe Mutumbo and passed the basketball with young players. Other activities included running a shuttle relay with Carl Lewis, watching a field hockey game with Gabriel Diaz De Leon, competing in a game of tug-o-war with Apolo Ohno, Jeff Sutphen, and Nastia Luikin and then assorted games with Summer Sanders, Bart Conner, and Ian Baranski, before finally joining a doubles match on the tennis courts with Shawn Johnson.

Let’s Move! London was held in support of Let’s Move!, the First Lady’s initiative to solve the problem of childhood obesity in a generation. And families here in the U.S who are inspired by Team USA to get active can take advantage of a nationwide commitment by the United States Olympic Committee, U.S. Paralympics, the U.S. Olympians Association, and USOC National Governing Bodies for sport have committed to give 1.7 million young people the chance to participate in Olympic and Paralympic sports in their communities – many of them for the very first time.  You can search by zip code to find opportunities near you by visiting

And the Let’s Move! team is looking forward to more Olympic fun this weekend. Tonight, Mrs. Obama will lead the Presidential Delegation of Olympic and Paralympic greats to the Opening Ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games. And tomorrow is the first Let’s Move! Olympic Fun Day back home: a nationwide movement encouraging cities, towns and neighborhoods to come together and participate in their own versions of Olympic-inspired games and activitie.