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Asia-Pacific Region Intelligence Center

Suspected N.Korean mine kills S.Korean man 본문

수소핵폭탄(핵탄두) 실험과 KN-08

Suspected N.Korean mine kills S.Korean man

CIA Bear 허관(許灌) 2010. 8. 1. 23:23


 One South Korean man died and another was seriously injured in the explosion of a land mine they picked up near the border with North Korea. South Korean authorities suspect that the mine was moved from the North by floods linked to heavy rain.

The explosion occurred in Yeoncheon County in the South Korean province of Gyeonggi on Saturday night.

The 2 men were carrying the wooden-boxed land mine they picked up on their way back from fishing at the Imjin River to report to the authorities. The river flows from North Korea.

Police say the area is close to the demilitarized zone dividing the 2 Koreas and is controlled by the South Korean military. It is off-limits to the public.
Ten similar antipersonnel land mines were found near the mouth of the Imjin River in South Korea on Saturday in addition to 19 other land mines discovered in the area.

The South Korean police and military suspect that the mines are North Korean and could have moved from the North after recent heavy rain that triggered floods there.

The police and military are searching for other mines. They are also warning people to keep away from the river.

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