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‘盧 전대통령 스캔들 충격’ WSJ 본문

-미국 언론-/한국 언론

‘盧 전대통령 스캔들 충격’ WSJ

CIA Bear 허관(許灌) 2009. 4. 9. 08:38

월 스트리트 저널(WSJ)이 노무현 전 대통령이 관련된 ‘박연차 스캔들’을 사진과 함께 보도했다.

WSJ는 8일(현지시간) A섹션 8면에 노 전 대통령과 권양숙 여사의 사진을 싣고 “노 전 대통령이 전 청와대 비서관이 박연차 태광실업 회장으로부터 거액의 돈을 받은 혐의로 체포된지 몇시간만에 부인이 돈을 받은 사실을 인터넷 홈페이지에 털어놓았다”고 전했다.

저널은 노 전 대통령이 80년대 후반 한국이 민주화된 이후 정치적 뇌물 스캔들에 연루되지 않은 최초의 대통령으로 기대를 모았다는 점에서 충격을 주었다고 말했다. 이어 “노 전대통령이 웹페이지에 ‘정상문 전 비서관이 자신의 행동이라고 말했을까봐 걱정된다. 아내가 돈을 받아서 빚을 갚는데 썼다’고 토로했다”면서 “나를 믿고 지지해준 분들게 부끄럽다. 진심으로 사과한다고 밝혔다”고 덧붙였다.

신문은 지난해 12월에는 노 전 대통령의 형 노건평 씨가 농협의 세종증권 인수를 도와주고 돈을 받은 혐의로 구속되기도 했다고 소개했다.

South Korean Scandal Takes New Twist

SEOUL -- A political bribery scandal involving figures from South Korea's two major political parties took a new twist on Tuesday when former President Roh Moo-hyun announced on a Web site that his wife received money from a key figure in the case.

The development is a surprising turn for Mr. Roh, who until now appeared to be the first South Korean president since the country became a true democracy in the late 1980s not to be tarnished by a bribery or political influence scandal.

Mr. Roh posted the announcement several hours after one of his former aides, Chung Sang-moon, was arrested and charged with taking hundreds of millions of won from Park Yeon-cha, chairman of Taekwang Industrial Co., a shoe manufacturer.

In his Web posting, Mr. Roh said his wife, Kwon Yang-suk, "asked for, received and used the money" for which Mr. Chung was arrested. "I'm worried if he stated that he did it," Mr. Roh wrote. "The charge shouldn't be on Mr. Chung, but on us."

Mr. Roh said the money was used to repay debts. He indicated he would cooperate with investigators and believed they would reveal more details.

"I'm overwhelmed by shame," Mr. Roh wrote. "I'm more ashamed to those who have trusted and supported me. I sincerely apologize."

The Supreme Prosecutors' Office couldn't be reached for comment late Tuesday.

Mr. Park was arrested in December on tax-evasion and bribery charges for making payouts to several people in Mr. Roh's administration as well as other politicians. In recent weeks, prosecutors have interviewed more than a dozen prominent political figures.

In December, Mr. Roh's older brother, Roh Gun-pyeong, was arrested on charges for allegedly colluding with Mr. Park to broker the purchase of an ailing securities firm from a state-run company in 2006.

Write to SungHa Park at

Associated Press

South Korea's Roh Moo-hyun with his wife, Kwon Yang-sook, in February.

South Korea's Roh Moo-hyun with his wife, Kwon Yang-sook, in February.