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반기문유엔총장 신임인권고등판무관 남아프리카공화국 출신 필레이판사지명 본문
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1941년 생인 필레이 지명자는 남아프리카 나탈주에서 유색인종 여성으로는 처음으로 변호사로 일했으며, 남아프리카 고등법원에서도 첫 유색인종 여성 판사로 재직했습니다.
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필레이 지명자는 앞으로 유엔 총회의 인준을 받아야 합니다.
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has nominated a South African judge known for her work opposing apartheid to be High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Navanethem Pillay currently serves as a judge on the International Criminal Court in The Hague.
Mr. Ban said Pillay's "outstanding credentials in human rights and justice" make her the right candidate to replace the former High Commissioner, Louise Arbour.
In 1967, Pillay became the first woman of color to set up a law practice in Natal Province in South Africa. She later became the country's first woman of color to serve on the High Court in South Africa.
She has presided over cases involving international criminal law, humanitarian law and human rights law, especially crimes involving sexual violence in conflicts.
The nomination must be approved by the U.N. General Assembly.
Secretary-General to appoint South African justice as next UN human rights chief

24 July 2008 – Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has informed the General Assembly of his intention to appoint Judge Navanethem Pillay of South Africa as the new United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Ms. Pillay will succeed Louise Arbour of Canada, who completed her five-year term on 30 June.
Since 2003, Ms. Pillay has served as Judge on the International Criminal Court (ICC), based in The Hague, Netherlands.
Prior to that, she served – as both Judge and President – on the UN International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), which she joined in 1995.
Mr. Ban's spokesperson said that Judge Pillay's nomination was made at the end of “an extensive selection process” which included consultations with Member States and with the broad-based non-governmental organization (NGO) community.
“The Secretary-General is committed to ensure that human rights remain high on the agenda of the Organization. He expects that the new High Commissioner will preserve the independence of her Office and will maintain effective working relations with the General Assembly and the Human Rights Council,” Michele Montas told journalists.
Mr. Ban is “determined to fully support Ms. Pillay in carrying out her work, including with increased resources, as approved by the General Assembly,” she added.
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