Asia-Pacific Region Intelligence Center
Secretary-General Visits Zaatari Refugee Camp in Jordan 본문
Secretary-General António Guterres speaks with school children during a visit to Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan.
There are close to 27,000 children of school age in Zaatari camp. UNICEF has established 14 school complexes to ensure a seat for every child.
Opened in 2012, Zaatari refugee camp is the largest camp for Syrian refugees in Jordan and was set up in response to the initial mass exodus of refugees across the border. Since its opening, Zaatari camp has evolved from a collection of tents into a structured settlement providing temporary home to 80,000 refugees.
There are close to 27,000 children of school age in Zaatari camp. UNICEF has established 14 school complexes to ensure a seat for every child.
Opened in 2012, Zaatari refugee camp is the largest camp for Syrian refugees in Jordan and was set up in response to the initial mass exodus of refugees across the border. Since its opening, Zaatari camp has evolved from a collection of tents into a structured settlement providing temporary home to 80,000 refugees.
28 March 2017
Zaatari Camp, Jordan
Zaatari Refugee Camp, Jordan
A view of the Zaatari Refugee Camp in Jordan, where nearly 80,000 Syrian refugees are living. 27 March 2017. Zaatari Camp, Jordan
A young boy at the Zaatari Refugee Camp in Jordan, where nearly 80,000 Syrian refugees are living. 27 March 2017. Zaatari Camp, Jordan
Scene from the Zaatari Refugee Camp in Jordan, where nearly 80,000 Syrian refugees are living. 27 March 2017. Zaatari Camp, Jordan
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