Asia-Pacific Region Intelligence Center
Super soccer fans among world leaders 본문
British PM Cameron, German Chancellor Merkel, U.S. President Obama and French President Hollande watching UEFA Champions League final between Chelsea and Bayern Munich, May 19, 2012. There are many super soccer fans among current and past world leaders.
U.S. President Obama. There are many super soccer fans among current and past world leaders
Medvedev and Putin. There are many super soccer fans among current and past world leaders
German Chancellor Merkel watching soccer match between Germany and Greece during 2012 European Football Championship. There are many super soccer fans among current and past world leaders
DPRK's top leader Kim Jong-un. There are many super soccer fans among current and past world leaders
South Korean ex-President Lee Myung Bak. There are many super soccer fans among current and past world leaders
Cuban ex-leader Fidel Castro with Argentine football legend Diego Armando Maradona. There are many super soccer fans among current and past world leaders
Nelson Mandela with David Beckham. There are many super soccer fans among current and past world leaders.
Medvedev. There are many super soccer fans among current and past world leaders
Italian ex-PM Berlusconi. There are many super soccer fans among current and past world leaders
French President Hollande watching 2014 World Cup qualifying second leg playoff soccer match between France and Ukraine in Paris, France, on Nov. 19, 2013. There are many super soccer fans among current and past world leaders
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