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Asia-Pacific Region Intelligence Center

러시아 대통령과 악수 나누는 반기문 총장 본문


러시아 대통령과 악수 나누는 반기문 총장

CIA Bear 허관(許灌) 2009. 3. 30. 20:41



3월 27일(현지시간) 반기문 유엔사무총장(오른쪽)이 러시아를 방문, 모스크바의 고리키 대통령 관저에서 드미트리 메드베데프 러시아 대통령을 만나 악수를 나누고 있다(Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (right) meets with Dmitry A. Medvedev, President of the Russian Federation)


Mr Medvedev and Mr Ban discussed issues related to the global financial and economic crisis. Mr Medvedev gave his support to an initiative to hold a conference on the crisis under the UN’s aegis.

Also on the agenda were the UN’s current activities and development prospects, and the situation in Afghanistan.

Mr Ban was in Moscow to take part in an international conference on Afghanistan, initiated by Russia under the aegis of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation in the aim of coordinating and intensifying international cooperation in fighting terrorism, drugs trafficking and trans-border organised crime originating in Afghanistan.