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Asia-Pacific Region Intelligence Center

Japan-Australia Summit Meeting 본문

Guide Ear&Bird's Eye/일본

Japan-Australia Summit Meeting

CIA Bear 허관(許灌) 2008. 6. 15. 20:12


Photograph of the Japan-Australia Summit Meeting Photograph of the two leaders shaking hands at the joint press announcement
Photograph of the two leaders holding the joint press announcement Photograph of the two leaders at the joint press announcement

Click photographs to enlarge

Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda held talks with the Hon. Mr. Kevin Rudd, MP, Prime Minister of Australia, at the Prime Minister's Office.

At the meeting, the leaders agreed that the two countries will continue negotiations for the conclusion of an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) that will be in the economic interests of both countries. The leaders also shared the recognition that disarmament and non-proliferation are the areas in which the two countries can further develop cooperation. on the whaling issue, Prime Minister Fukuda and Prime Minister Rudd agreed that the two countries will conduct discussions in a calm manner so that differences on the issue will not harm friendly Japan-Australia relations.

In the joint press announcement that followed, Prime Minister Fukuda said, "I will continue to exchange opinions with Prime Minister Rudd on issues in various areas, and advance cooperation not only for the strengthening of our bilateral relations but also for the peace and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific region."