Asia-Pacific Region Intelligence Center
러시아 메드베데프 신대통령 취임 본문
러시아 대통령취임식이 7일,모스크바 크렘린에서 거행돼 메드베데프 신임대통령이 러시아의 3대째 대통령에 정식으로 취임했습니다.
메드베데프 신임대통령은 42살로,러시아 역사상 가장 젊은 대통령입니다.
메드베데프 씨는 푸틴 정권하에서 대통령부 장관과 제1부수상 등 요직을 거친 측근중의 측근입니다.
메드베데프 신임대통령은 앞으로 푸틴대통령을 수상으로 지명할 예정으로,8일 하원에서 승인을 거쳐 푸틴 씨가 수상에 취임하면 메드베데프 대통령,푸틴 수상이라는 러시아 역사상 처음으로 두 명의 지도자에 의한 쌍두마차체제가 시작됩니다.
Born September 14, 1965, in Leningrad.
Graduated from the law faculty of Leningrad State University in 1987 and completed his post-graduate studies at Leningrad State University in 1990. Holds a PhD in law and the title of associate professor.
1990-1999: Lectured at St Petersburg State University.
At the same time, between 1990-1995, was an adviser to the Chairman of the Leningrad City Council and an expert consultant to the St Petersburg City Hall� Committee for External Affairs.
1999: Deputy Government Chief of Staff.
1999-2000: Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office.
2000-2003: First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office.
2000-2001: Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Gazprom, in 2001 ?Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Gazprom, from June 2002 ?Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Gazprom.
October 2003-November 2005: Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office.
In November 2005, appointed First Deputy Prime Minister.
March 2, 2008: Elected President of the Russian Federation.
Married to Svetlana Vladimirovna Medvedeva. The Medvedevs have a son, Ilya.
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