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Asia-Pacific Region Intelligence Center

[영상] 푸틴 또 굴욕?.."러 최신 함정, 흑해서 또 우크라 미사일에 피격" [나우,어스] 본문

흑해 주변국/우크라이나

[영상] 푸틴 또 굴욕?.."러 최신 함정, 흑해서 또 우크라 미사일에 피격" [나우,어스]

CIA Bear 허관(許灌) 2022. 5. 7. 18:06

최신식 러시아 해군 호위함(프리깃)인 어드미럴 마카로프의 모습. [유튜브 'Chinese Forces' 채널 캡처]

러시아 해군의 최강 전력으로 불리는 흑해 함대의 자존심이 또 한 번 큰 상처를 입은 것으로 보인다.

흑해 함대 최강 전력으로 불리는 미사일 순양함 ‘모스크바함’이 우크라이나군 미사일 공격에 격침당한 데 이어, 이번에는 최신식 호위함 1척이 우크라이나군 미사일에 피격돼 큰 화재가 발생했다는 소식이 들려왔기 때문이다.

6일(현지시간) 영국 일간 더선 등에 따르면 안톤 게라쉬첸코 우크라이나 내무부 고문은 자신의 소셜미디어(SNS) 트위터를 통해 “흑해 상에서 러시아 군함에 불이 났다”며 “피격된 배는 최신식 러시아 해군 호위함(프리깃)인 ‘어드미럴 마카로프’”라고 말했다.

올렉시 곤차렌코 우크라이나 하원의원은 SNS 텔레그램을 통해 “군함이 불타고 있지만 침몰하진 않았다”며 “바다의 신 ‘넵튠(그리스 신화명 포세이돈)’이 침략자들에게 복수를 한 것”이라고 주장했다. 우크라이나군이 활용 중인 넵튠 지대함(地對艦) 미사일에 어드미럴 마카로프가 피격됐다는 것이다.

앞서 우크라이나군은 넵튠 미사일을 활용해 모스크바함을 격침하는 전과를 올린 바 있다.

더선은 “해군 함정들의 움직임을 추적하는 사이트에서 러시아 구조 함정인 ‘SPK-46150’이 어드미럴 마카로프가 피격 전 마지막으로 위치기 확인됐던 우크라이나 최남단 즈미니섬(뱀섬) 부근으로 이동했다는 소식이 전해졌다”며 “사실이라면 어드미럴 마카로프의 피격 사실을 증명하는 것”이라고 했다.

즈미니섬은 러시아의 우크라이나 침공 초기 이곳을 지키던 우크라이나 병사가 “투항하라”는 모스크바호의 경고에 “꺼져라 개XX”이라고 욕설을 날리며 항전한 곳으로 유명한 곳이다.

이 밖에도 ‘미사일에 피격돼 화재가 발생한 어드미럴 마카로프’란 제목의 미확인 동영상이 온라인 상에 유포되고 있는 것으로 알려졌다.

최신식 러시아 해군 호위함(프리깃)인 어드미럴 마카로프가 우크라이나군의 지대함(地對艦) 미사일 넵튠에 피격당해 화재에 휩싸인 모습을 담은 것이라 알려진 동영상. [유튜브 'Chinese Forces' 채널 캡처]

다만, 우크라이나와 러시아 양측 모두 관련 사안에 대해 명확한 입장을 밝히지 않고 있는 상황이다.

우크라이나 국방부는 러시아군의 손실과 관련한 일일 보고서에서 “또 다른 함정 한 척이 사라졌다”라고만 표기했을 뿐, 해당 선박이 어드미럴 마카로프라고는 명기하지 않았다.

블라디미르 푸틴 러시아 대통령의 ‘입’으로 불리는 드미트리 페스코프 크렘린궁 대변인도 “러시아 군함에 대한 미사일 공격 사실을 알고 있지 않다”며 “우리에겐 관련 정보가 없다”고 말했다.

어드미럴 마카로프는 지난 2012년부터 건조되기 시작해 2017년 12월 취역한 러시아 해군의 최신식 ‘그리고로비치급(級)’ 호위함이다. 길이 124.8m, 폭 15.2m 크기의 어드미럴 마카로프는 만재배수량이 4035t, 정원 200여명이다.


In Photos: the Victims of Russia's Sunken Moskva Cruiser

The April 13 sinking of Russia’s Black Sea flagship, the Moskva, off the Ukrainian coast has left a trail of questions in its wake. The Kremlin has so far failed to acknowledge any casualties onboard the missile cruiser, which it claims sunk as a result of an accidental munitions explosion. The Ukrainian military says that the ship was in fact hit by one of its missiles.

These conflicting narratives and a lack of information have caused distress for the families of those serving on board the ship, some of whom have since been listed as dead or missing.

The Moscow Times has compiled a list of some of the men confirmed dead or missing since the incident, according to media outlets or social media posts by family members.

Yegor Skrebets

Born in March 2002, Yegor, 20, was conscript working as a cook onboard the Moskva. His father, Dmitry Shkrebets, said on social media that Yegor’s family leant of his death after his name was not included in a list of the missing. Dmitry is now in touch with other parents whose sons were also serving on the Moskva.

Mark Tarasov (left)

Mark Tarasov was a conscript sailor from St. Petersburg. He did not want to serve in the army, but needed to get his military ID in order to fulfil his dream of working on Russia’s railways, his friends told outlet Sever.Realii. He uploaded a photo of himself in December departing for his military service, captioning it, “see you in a year!” His mother later wrote online that he had been listed among the Moskva’s missing sailors.


Vitaly Begersky

Vitaly Begersky, 21, was a senior sailor from Nikolaevsk-on-Amur in Russia’s Far East, and was drafted into the army in July. Relatives told Russia’s Agentstvo news outlet that Begersky was on watch when the cruiser was believed to be hit by a missile. His body was not recovered after the ship sank.

Ivan Vakhrushin

Ivan Vakhrushin was a midshipman on board the Moskva. His death was confirmed by his widow Varvara, who said that he died while “fulfilling his duties”. She wrote that she’d been told of husband’s death by the ship’s commanders on April 14, and that she was aware of 27 other missing crew members.

Artem Mishustin

Eighteen-year-old conscript Artem Mishustin is believed to be one of the youngest Russian serviceman to die in the war to date. On April 18, his sister Kristina Isaeva wrote on Russian social media site VK that her brother had died while on duty in the Moskva’s engine room. Isaeva later deleted her post.

Nikita Syromyasov

Nikita Syromyasov was a 20-year-old conscript from Sysert, in the Sverdlovsk region of the Russian Urals. His mother, Olga Dubinina, said Nikita was called up for military service in June, before being assigned to the Moskva as an ordinary sailor. She told the BBC that her son is listed among the missing — but that the temperature of the sea meant the chance of "a positive outcome is almost zero."


Nikita Efremenko

Nikita Efremenko, 19, was from the city of Priozersk not far from the Finnish border, and was serving on the Moskva. His parents told fellow parent Dmitry Shkrebets that military officials had listed him as “missing.”

Sergey Grudinin

Grudinin, 21, was conscript sailor from Russia’s Far-East. His family knew that he was serving on the Moskva — but assumed that, as a conscript, he would be sent out of harm’s way when fighting began. His mother, Tamara Grudinina, told the BBC that the Russian Defense Ministry initially reassured her that her son was “alive, healthy and will get in touch as soon as possible.” But commanders told a different story, informing her that Sergey died while trying to evacuate the ship. "How do they lie so blatantly?" Grudinina asked BBC journalists.

Danil Gerok

Danil Gerok, 22, was called up to join the Russian navy in late 2020, and signed on as a contract soldier last year. His father, Mikhail Gerok, reportedly reached out to fellow parent Dmitry Shkrebets because he believes that Danil was serving on the Moskva when it was hit. Danil has been recorded as “missing”.

In Photos: the Victims of Russia's Sunken Moskva Cruiser - The Moscow Times


In Photos: the Victims of Russia's Sunken Moskva Cruiser - The Moscow Times

Gallery | The Kremlin has so far failed to acknowledge any casualties from the sinking of Russia's Black Sea flagship.