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Bhutan's calendar baby prince 본문

Guide Ear&Bird's Eye/부탄

Bhutan's calendar baby prince

CIA Bear 허관(許灌) 2017. 2. 6. 13:19


Wearing the trademark royal yellow robes and a beguiling smile, Bhutan's little Dragon Prince poses with his favourite toy car. He turns one on 5 February.


More than 100,000 trees were planted to celebrate last year's royal birth in the Himalayan Kingdom, which is nestled between India and China.


Curated by Bhutan's Royal Office for Media, the Yellow website said that the exclusive calendar photos were free to download and would "melt hearts".


                                     "Every baby is adorable but Bhutan's royal boy has stolen my heart," gushed a fan on Facebook.


The country is ruled by King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, one of the world's youngest monarchs. This photo was taken at the family home in Lingkana Palace.






부탄은 인도와 중국 사이의 히말라야산맥 지대에 위치한 왕국. 면적은 4만6600㎢, 인구는 150만 명(1988년 현재)이다. 수도는 팀부(Thimbu)로 주민은 약 3만 명이다. 종족은 부차족이 60%, 네팔계가 약 25%, 그 밖에 티베트족·몽고족 등이 있다. 종교는 라마교가 75%이다.