Asia-Pacific Region Intelligence Center
미국과 가나의 경기에선 미국이 2:1로 승리 본문
Players of U.S. celebrate for Clint Dempsey's goal during a Group G match between Ghana and U.S. of 2014 FIFA World Cup at the Estadio das Dunas Stadium in Natal, Brazil, June 16, 2014.
John Brooks (R) of U.S. celebrates for his goal during a Group G match between Ghana and U.S. of 2014 FIFA World Cup at the Estadio das Dunas Stadium in Natal, Brazil, June 16, 2014. U.S. won 2-1 over Ghana on Monday.
Vice President of U.S. Joe Biden (1st L) greets players of U.S. after a Group G match between Ghana and U.S. of 2014 FIFA World Cup at the Estadio das Dunas Stadium in Natal, Brazil, June 16, 2014. U.S. won 2-1 over Ghana on Monday.
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