Asia-Pacific Region Intelligence Center
Kan Cabinet support rate18%; disapproval rate 65% 본문
The latest NHK poll shows the approval rate for Prime Minister Naoto Kan's Cabinet has risen to18 percent, up 2 percentage points from the previous month.
The disapproval rate has dropped to 65 percent, down by 3 points.
The previous month's approval rate of 16 percent marked the lowest rate since the Democratic Party took power 2 years ago.
NHK conducted a telephone survey of 1,706 people aged 20 or older, randomly selected from Friday through Sunday. 1,052, or 62 percent, responded.
When asked the best timing for Kan to step down, 45 percent replied by the end of the month, when the current session of the Diet is adjourned.
28 percent said he should resign between September and the end of December, while 14 percent opted for next year or later.
When asked about the timing of the dissolution of the Lower House for general elections, 24 percent replied as soon as possible, while 26 percent said this should happen before the year end. 20 percent wanted it to take place by the end of 2012, while another 20 percent said it will not be necessary till the Lower House members fulfill their terms in 2013.
The approval rate for the main governing Democratic Party stands at 16.4 percent, up nearly 3 points. The largest opposition Liberal Democratic Party, received 25 percent, up nearly 2 points.
The approval rates for the other political parties are New Komeito party, 3 percent; Your Party, 2.7 percent; Communist Party, 2.7 percent; Social Democratic Party, 0.8 percent; People's New Party, 0.2 percent, New Renaissance Party 0.1 percent. The rate of respondents not supporting any party was 42.8 percent.
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