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South Korea's Roh apologizes to nation(CNN) 본문
South Korean travelers watch on TV former President Roh Moo-Hyun at a railway station in Seoul on Thursday.
(CNN) -- Former South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun apologized Thursday for his connection to a corruption probe, saying he felt "ashamed and sorry" for disappointing his fellow citizens, the Yonhap news agency reported.
Roh made his remarks at his home in Bongha village in Gimhae, about 280 miles (450 km) southeast of Seoul, before leaving for the capital to meet with prosecutors.
Roh is the nation's third former president to be summoned, following in the footsteps of Chun Doo-hwan and Roh Tae-woo, both of whom were convicted in 1995 of receiving bribes and inciting a mutiny. They were sentenced to death but received pardons in 1997 by then-President Kim Young-Sam.
Roh, who ended his term in office in February 2008, has not been formally charged. Investigators, however, have linked him to an alleged $5-million bribery scandal involving Park Yeon-cha, a businessman and longtime supporter arrested last year on graft and tax evasion charges, Yonhap reported.
Roh denied the allegations in a written statement submitted to the prosecution on Saturday, according to Yonhap.
Roh will also be questioned over a separate corruption scandal involving his former aide Jung Sang-moon who was arrested last week, according to Yonhap.
Riot pollice split about 100 conservative activists, left, and dozens of Roh supporters in Seoul on Thursday.
盧前大統領が検察出頭 「失望させて申し訳ない」
S Korea ex-leader set for probe | ||
South Korea's former president has apologised for a corruption scandal as he left his rural hometown to face questioning over alleged bribe-taking. In a statement, Roh Moo-hyun said: "I feel ashamed before my fellow citizens. I am sorry for disappointing you." Mr Roh has been summoned as a suspect in the case but prosecutors have yet to decide whether to charge him. Mr Roh came to power in 2003 partly on an anti-corruption ticket, and served until 2008. As he left his home on Thursday morning Mr Roh bowed to waiting reporters, and made his apology in front of the television cameras. Under a police escort, and followed every inch of the way by TV news helicopters, his convoy then set off for the five-hour journey to Seoul. He will face questioning at the Supreme Public Prosecutors Office over corruption allegations. Excesses Mr Roh came to power promising his administration would be free from foul play, but the former president, who left office last year, now faces accusations that he took millions of dollars in bribes from a businessman friend, the wealthy head of a shoe manufacturing company. At one point a bag containing the equivalent of one million dollars in cash is said to have been delivered to the presidential office. In a statement posted on his website earlier this month, Mr Roh admitted that his wife received a substantial sum of money from the businessman, but suggested it was not a bribe, but a payment to help her settle a debt. For the South Korean public, the allegations are a reminder of an era many hoped had passed, in which former presidents found themselves embroiled in corruption scandals, and sometimes convicted and jailed for their excesses.
韓前總統盧武鉉接受檢方傳訊調查 自稱"很抱歉"
검찰 수사 4대 쟁점은?
2006년 8월 박연차 회장이 권양숙 여사에게 100만달러를 건넨 사실을 노무현 전 대통령이 언제 알았을까가 최대 쟁점입니다.
검찰은 상식의 틀에서 노 전 대통령이 몰랐을리 없다고 판단, 반면 노 전 대통령은 최근에야 알았다는 기존 주장을 굽히지 않고 있습니다.
조카사위 연철호 씨의 홍콩계좌로 송금된 500만달러도 쟁점입니다.
검찰은 이 돈에 대해 노 전 대통령 아들인 건호 씨가 지배력을 행사한 점 등을 들어 노 전 대통령의 연관성을 집중적으로 캐묻고 있습니다.
노 전 대통령은 그러나 호의적 투자였으며 역시 퇴임 직후 알았다며 관련성을 부인하고 있습니다.
2006년 9월 회갑 선물로 박 회장과 정대근 전 농협회장이 건넨 1억원 짜리 명품시계 2개와 3만 달러에 대해서도 양측의 주장이 엇갈리고 있습니다.
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