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Asia-Pacific Region Intelligence Center

Nepal's king quits palace(네팔 갸넨드라 국왕이 왕궁을 떠나는 모습) 본문

Guide Ear&Bird's Eye/네팔

Nepal's king quits palace(네팔 갸넨드라 국왕이 왕궁을 떠나는 모습)

CIA Bear 허관(許灌) 2008. 6. 14. 11:23

 A Nepalese policeman controls traffic in front of the Narayanhiti palace in Kathmandu on 11 June

Nepal's change of direction became more tangible on 11 June when its former king, Gyanendra, vacated his palace in Kathmandu


 Nepalese protesters mockingly collect money for the ex-king to 'buy him a new house'

Crowds of anti-monarchists gathered, some to hold a mock collection for a new house for Gyanendra.


Gyanendra speaks to reporters hours before leaving the palace

Hours before he left the palace, Nepal's last king spoke to reporters to promise his loyalty to the new republic.


Former king Gyanendra of Nepal leaves the palace in Kathmandu with his wife Komal

At about 2045 local time (1500 GMT), the former king and his wife Komal left the palace in a black Mercedes.


A supporter of the monarchy tries to block Gyanendra's car

A supporter of the monarchy tried to stop his car from leaving the palace, where his family had lived more than a century.


An anti-monarchist lifts up a soldier outside the palace as the crowd celebrates Gyanendra's departure

But mostly there seemed to be celebration among the crowds outside at Gyanendra's exit.