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미국 로버트 게이츠 국방장관, 중국 방문 (E) 본문

Guide Ear&Bird's Eye/미합중국[美合衆國]

미국 로버트 게이츠 국방장관, 중국 방문 (E)

CIA Bear 허관(許灌) 2007. 11. 5. 23:02

미국의 로버트 게이츠 국방 장관은 미국으로 하여금 중국의 군 의도에 의문을 제기하도록 만드는 중국의 군비증강 문제를 논의하기 위해 베이징을 방문하고 있습니다.

Robert Gates
로버트 게이츠
게이츠 장관은 사흘 일정의 중국 방문 동안 군 수뇌부와 민간 지도자들과 만나 광범위한 국방 관련 문제들을 논의할 예정입니다.

중국 방문에 앞서 게이츠 장관은 중국을 미국에 대한 군사 위협적인 존재로 보지 않는다고 말했습니다.

하지만 게이츠 장관은 올해 초 중국이 군비를 18% 인상한데 대해 우려하고 있다고 말했습니다.   


U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates is in Beijing to discuss a Chinese military buildup that has raised U.S. questions about China's military intentions.

During the three-day visit, Gates is slated to meet top military and civilian leaders for talks on a range of defense-related issues.

Ahead of the visit, Gates said he did not see China as a military threat to the United States. But he voiced concern over an 18 percent increase in China's military spending announced early this year -- to a level equivalent to 45 billion (U.S.) dollars.

Western analysts say they believe Beijing's actual military spending is at least twice that amount, and includes funding for advances in submarines, aircraft and missiles.



조강천, 미 국방장관과 회담
2007-11-05 21:10:47

5일 중화인민공화국 중앙군사위원회 부주석이며 국무위원겸 국방부장인 조강천이 베이징에서 방문중인 미 게이츠 국방장관과 회담을 가졌습니다.

회담에서 조강천 국방부장은 중국과 미국 두 나라 관계발전을 적극적으로 평가했습니다.

양국 군대간의 관계에 언급해 조강천은 중국측은 미국측과 공동으로 노력해 양 군간 관계의 공동이익과 중대한 문제를 단단히 틀어쥐고 갈등과 의견상이를 타당하게 처리하며 양군관계의 건전하고 안정한 발전을 추진해 양국의 건설적 협력관계에 적극적인 요소를 더할 용의가 있다고 지적했습니다. 게이츠는 미중 양군관계의 발전추세는 적극적이며 양군이 각 영역에서 교류를 강화함에 있어서 중요한 기회에 직면해 있다고 표시했습니다.

대만문제에 언급하여 조강천 국방부장은 중국은 지금 "대만독립" 분렬세력이 "대만독립"의 길에서 취한 온갖 행동과 분렬시도를 밀접하게 주목하고 있으며 최대의 노력으로 대만해협 평화와 안정을 수호할 것이라고 지적했습니다.

그는, 미국측은 응당 승낙을 실질적으로 이행하고 대만 관변측과의 내왕과 군사연계를 중지하며 대만에 대한 무기판매를 중지하고 실제행동으로 대만해협지역의 평화와 안정을 수호해야 한다고 강조했습니다.

이에 대해 게이츠 국방장관은 미국정부의 "하나의 중국" 정책에는 개변이 없다고 말했습니다.

중앙군사위원회 곽백아부주석과 서재후부주석, 외교부 대병국 부부장도 이날 베이징에서 게이츠국방장관 일행을 만났습니다. (중국 국제방송)




China, U.S. agree on opening military hot line Monday, November 5, 2007

Chinese Defense Minister Cao Gangchuan (R) and visiting U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates (L) shake hands during a press conference in Beijing, capital of China, Nov. 5, 2007.[Xinhua Photo]

China and the United States agreed on Monday to open a direct telephone line between the defense ministries of the two countries.

Chinese Defense Minister Cao Gangchuan and visiting U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates made the announcement at a joint press briefing after holding talks in Beijing on Monday morning.

The Sino-U.S. military hot line is the first of its kind that China has established with another country at the defense ministry level.

Discussions on setting up the military hot line have been ongoing since Chinese President Hu Jintao and U.S. President George W. Bush agreed to advance bilateral military relations during their meeting in April 2006.

The creation of the military hot line will help enhance mutual trust between the militaries and promote the development of military-to-military relations between China and the United States, said Tao Wenzhao, a Chinese Academy of Social Sciences researcher.

Besides the hot line, the two ministers also agreed to continue to strengthen dialogue and exchange at various levels and cultural exchanges. These will include exchanges between military academies and young officers and holding exercises on humanitarian aid and disaster relief.

The defense ministries of the two countries will also launch military archives cooperation so as to help find U.S. military personnel missing in action in China before and after the Korean War.

"The military-to-military relations between China and the United States has grown in recent years. China is willing to join hands with the United States, properly handle disputes and friction, and make a sound and stable development of the military relations," Cao said during the talks.

Gates said the two armed forces have maintained an active momentum in the development of military relations and were facing an important opportunity to expand exchanges in various fields.

On bilateral relations, Cao said the Sino-U.S. relations are facing important opportunities for further development as well as some challenges. The two countries should make joint efforts to properly deal with the challenges, and promote a sound and stable development of bilateral relations.

Gates said the United States and China, as two countries with major influence, have done effective work on international and regional issues, and have made positive contributions to maintaining regional and world peace and stability.

The aim of the visit is to deepen dialogues and expand consensus between the two countries, and to boost common interest of the two countries, he said.

China, U.S. defense leaders hold talks

Chinese Defense Minister Cao Gangchuan held talks with visiting U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates in Beijing Monday morning.

The talks were expected to cover such topics as the international and regional security situation, military-to-military relations and other issues of common concern. Full story

U.S. defense chief to visit China

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates will visit China from Nov. 4 to 6 at the invitation of his Chinese counterpart Cao Gangchuan, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said in Beijing Thursday.

Gates is expected to meet with Chinese state and military leaders and exchange views on international and regional security, China-U.S. state and military relations and other major issues of mutual concern, spokesman Liu Jianchao said. Full story 

China, U.S. defense leaders hold talks
U.S. defense chief to visit China
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Editor: An Lu
Source: Xinhua