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Asia-Pacific Region Intelligence Center

유럽의회에 어린 딸과 함께 출석한 이탈리아의 리치아 론줄리(Licia Ronzulli) 의원 본문


유럽의회에 어린 딸과 함께 출석한 이탈리아의 리치아 론줄리(Licia Ronzulli) 의원

CIA Bear 허관(許灌) 2012. 2. 20. 13:10


Italy's Member of the European Parliament Licia Ronzulli (top C) takes part with her daughter in a voting session at the European Parliament in Strasbourg February 15, 2012.



Licia Ronzulli (born: Milan, Italy 14 September 1975, Age 36) is an Italian MEP from 7 June 2009 for the People of Freedom.

She won a seat in the 2009 European Parliament elections. She is a member of the Employment and Social Affairs committee.

She is known for taking her daughter, Victoria, to the European Parliament. She is married to Renato Cerioli, who is also a member of the same party. She is a member of the environment, health and food safety commission in Strasbourg and has also worked as a nurse in Milan and Bangladesh before become a hospital director and then turning to politics











스트라스부르의 유럽의회에 생후 2개월도 안된 딸을 안고 출석한 이탈리아의 리치아 론줄리(Licia Ronzulli) 의원이 따뜻한 모성애를 보여줬다. 리치아 론줄리는 "여성들의 삶을 보여주기 위해 갓난아기와 함께 온것"이라고 말했다