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Asia-Pacific Region Intelligence Center

북한 평민계층(하층민) 빈곤한 생활 사진 본문

Guide Ear&Bird's Eye/북한[PRK]

북한 평민계층(하층민) 빈곤한 생활 사진

CIA Bear 허관(許灌) 2009. 11. 8. 11:06


 "These villagers in the northern part of the country are picking rice grains that have fallen during the transportation of the harvest. Scenes like this are common in the countryside, far away from tourists' eyes."[북한 평민계층 농민들이 수확한 벼쌀을 운반한 후 떨어진 벼쌀을 줍는 장면]


 "Roads in North Korea are poorly maintained except for the highways connecting the big cities. The heavy rains of the summer months have triggered landslides causing further damage to the road infrastructure."