Asia-Pacific Region Intelligence Center
일본 아키히토 국왕 "자연에 대한 연구와 역사 저서-초기 일본 과학개척자" 본문
일본 아키히토 국왕 "자연에 대한 연구와 역사 저서-초기 일본 과학개척자"
CIA Bear 허관(許灌) 2009. 3. 16. 14:03일본 아키히토 국왕은 지구와 자연, 흙, 벼(쌀), 식물, 물고기등을 연구하여 "섬 많은 바다 일본 물고기" "초기 일본 과학 개척자(연구자)" 등 다수 저서를 출간했습니다 그의 부친 히로히토 국왕은 과학자로서 생물학 연구하여 <사가미만(相模灣). 후갑류도보(後閘類圖譜)> <나스(那須)의 식물>등을 저술 하였습니다 히로히토 전(前)국왕과 아키히토 국왕 생물학, 자연분야 연구 덕분으로 일본 사람들 중 노벨과학(물리학)상 수상자가 많이 배출되었습니다
Crown Prince Akihito conducts research on gobiid fishes[.(1984)
-아키히토 일본 국왕의 섬 많은 바다 일본 물고기에 대한 탐구하는 모습-
The Emperor has a keen interest in natural life and its conservation. He encourages research projects on natural life in the grounds of the Imperial estates.
For many years, the Emperor has made a taxonomic study of gobies, small fish found in fresh, brackish and marine waters. As a member of the Ichthyological Society of Japan, he published 28 papers in the society's journal between 1963 and 2003. The Emperor published 30 papers in all.
He was one of the contributors to The Fishes of the Japanese Archipelago (1st edition in 1984: the first illustrated book of all the fishes in Japanese waters). He served as honorary president of the Second International Conference on Indo-Pacific Fishes in 1985, and presented a paper, "Some Morphological Characters Considered to be Important in Gobiid Phylogeny," which was later included in the conference proceedings.
Despite his heavy official duties, the Emperor published two papers in a joint work in 2000, and became one of the co-writers of "Fishes of Japan with Pictorial Keys to the Species, Second Edition" published in 2000. An English edition was published in 2002.
For his work in this field, he was invited to become a foreign member of the Linnean Society of London in 1980 and was elected as an honorary member of that Society in 1986. He has been an honorary member of the Zoological Society of London since 1992 and of the Research Institute for Natural Science of Argentina since 1997. He is also a research associate of the Australian Museum. In 1998, he became the first recipient of the King Charles the Second Medal, which is awarded by the Royal Society of London to those heads of state who have made outstanding contribution to the advancement of science.
The Emperor has a keen interest in both Japanese and world history. At the request of the editor of Science magazine when it published a special issue on Japan in 1992, he contributed "Early Cultivators of Science in Japan", an essay on the history of early science in Japan after the coming of the Europeans.
*Emperor Akihito harvests rice(아키히토 일본 국왕의 벼 수확 직접 체험하는 모습)
모내기: 못자리의 모를 본논에 옮겨 심는 일
*Empress Michiko feeds mulberry leaves to silkworms at the sericulture centre in the Imperial Palace Grounds (미치코 일본 황후의 고치를 생산하기 위해 뽕을 길러 누에를 치는 일 즉 양잠을 직접 체험하는 모습)
* 陛下が皇居で恒例のお手まき
*皇太子ご夫妻、前東宮侍従長に感謝のお言葉 絢子さまは大学生活スタート
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