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Asia-Pacific Region Intelligence Center

진수편 전 대만 총통, 공금 유용 혐의로 구류 절차 시작돼 본문


진수편 전 대만 총통, 공금 유용 혐의로 구류 절차 시작돼

CIA Bear 허관(許灌) 2008. 11. 11. 21:42

진수편 전 대만 총통은 재임 당시 총통부의 공금을 사적으로 유용해 해외로 송금함으로써 자금 세탁을 한 의혹이 강하다며, 대만의 검찰 당국은 오늘 진수편 전 총통의 신병을 구속하는 절차에 들어 갔습니다.

검찰 당국에 따르면, 진수편 전 총통은 재임 당시 총통부가 외교 등에 사용하는 기밀비를 사적으로 유용해 해외로 송금함으로써 자금 세탁을 한 혐의를 받아, 오늘부터 사정 청취를 받고 있습니다.

진수편 전 총통은 자금 세탁의 의혹이 거론된 지난 8월, 자신이 모르는 사이에 부인이 스위스에 있는 가족 명의의 은행 계좌에 일본엔으로 약 22억 엔에 상당하는 자금을 송금한 사실을 인정했으나, 기밀비의 유용이 아니라 총통 선거 등에서 남은 선거 자금이라고 설명했습니다


*Former Taiwan president detained


Chen Shui-bian walks out of court in handcuffs

Taiwan's former President Chen Shui-bian has been detained in connection with corruption claims.

Mr Chen spent much of Tuesday being questioned by prosecutors in Taipei, before being led away in handcuffs.

He is accused of money laundering and illegally using a special presidential fund during his eight years in office, which ended in May.

He denies any wrongdoing, and accuses the new administration of persecuting him to bow to the wishes of Beijing.

Mr Chen is an ardent supporter of Taiwanese independence, and his views have angered the Beijing government.

Political persecution?

The former leader, who held power from 2000 to 2008, spent more than six hours in the prosecutor's office on Tuesday answering questions about corruption.

As he was led out, he put his handcuffed hands in the air and shouted "political persecution" before getting into a waiting vehicle.

Although he has now been detained, it appears he has yet to be formally arrested over the charges. However he clearly expects to be, and said so at a news conference earlier in the day.

Mr Chen and his family have been mired in corruption allegations since 2006, when his son-in-law was charged with insider trading on the stock market and then jailed for seven years.

The former president is under investigation for allegedly embezzling 14.8 million Taiwan dollars (US$480,500; £306,000) from the government.