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북한 금강산 관광지에서 한국 여성 피격 사망(NHK) 본문
한국 통일부의 발표에 따르면 오늘 새벽, 북한의 금강산을 관광 여행하던 한국인 여성이 북한측의 총격을 받고 사망했습니다.
이에 대해 북한측은 여행회사를 통해 이 여성이 군사 통제구역에 들어와 정지 명령에 불응하고 도주했기 때문에 발포했다고 설명했습니다.
여성의 시신은 남북 출입국사무소를 통해 한국 측에 인도됐습니다.
금강산은 10년 전부터 관광사업이 시작돼 지금까지 한국 측에서 195만 명이 방문했으나 관광객이 북한측의 총격을 받아 사망한 것은 이번이 처음입니다.
한국 정부는 민간인에 대한 발포 사태를 중시하고 당분간 금강산 관광을 중단하고 대책본부를 설치해 철저히 진상 규명에 들어간다고 발표했습니다.
김호년 통일부 대변인은 이번 사건에 대해 "매우 유감"이라며 "진상 규명을 위해 북측도 적극적으로 협력해 주기를 바란다."고 말했습니다. (NHK)
South Korean 'shot dead in North' | |
A South Korean woman has been shot dead by a North Korean soldier while visiting a resort in the North Korean mountains, reports say. The shooting took place at the Kumgang resort on the east coast. South Korea's unification minister said tours to the resort would now be suspended pending an investigation. Kumgang resort is run by an affiliate of South Korea's Hyundai Group and has attracted more than one million South Korean visitors since 1998. The circumstances surrounding the shooting of the woman, said to be in her 50s, are not yet clear. Unification Minister Kim Ho-nyeon said the woman had been shot after entering a fenced-off military area. He said a major investigation was under way. The Kumgang mountain resort offers South Koreans hotels, stores, a golf course and a spa. But it is also situated in a strategic naval zone and has a heavy military presence. It is one of two North Korean tourist programmes run by the company. |
N . Korean soldier kills S. Korean tourist
SEOUL, South Korea (CNN) -- A North Korean soldier on Friday shot and killed a South Korean woman at Mt. Keumgang, a popular mountain resort in the communist nation, a government official in the South said.
In this June 9, 2007, photo, South Korean tourists take pictures at Mt. Keumgang in North Korea.
The 53-year-old woman was shot around 5:30 a.m., according to Kim Ho-nyun, a South Korean Unification Ministry spokesman.
"South Korea deeply regrets that such an incident has happened," Kim said.
The body has been taken to a hospital in the South.
The woman was believed to have been on a walk and went beyond the resort's boundaries when the North Korean soldiers were ordered to shoot, North Korean authorities said, according to Hyundai Asan, the South Korean tour company that books the trips.
The tours to the North have been suspended for the time being.
The resort is part of a tightly controlled and well-marked area along the east coast of the Korean peninsula and one of only two areas South Korean tourists are allowed to travel to in the North
The South Korean government will conduct a full investigation into the incident and the North Korean authorities are expected to cooperate fully, according to Kim.
The incident occurred on the day South Korean President Lee Myung-bak proposed reopening stalled reconciliation talks with North Korea.
한국, 조선 금강산 관광 잠정 중단
한국정부는 11일 이날부터 한국 관광객의 금상산 관광을 잠시 중단한다고 선포했습니다.
전한데 의하면 이날 새벽, 금광산에서 관광하던 한국 여성 관광객 한명이 조선측 군사금지구역에 진입해 조선측 병사의 총격을 받아 숨졌습니다.
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