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아웅산 수지, 3년만에 정당 간부와 회담 본문

Guide Ear&Bird's Eye/미얀마[버마]

아웅산 수지, 3년만에 정당 간부와 회담

CIA Bear 허관(許灌) 2007. 11. 10. 15:50


미얀마 군사 정권에 의해 자택 연금돼 있는 민주화 운동의 지도자 아웅산 수지씨가 어제 자신이 이끄는 정당의 간부들과 3년반만에 회담을 갖고 군사 정권과의 대화 실현에 대해 낙관적인 전망을 밝혔습니다.

수지씨가 서기장을 맡고 있는 국민 민주동맹의 대변인에 따르면 이 회담은 미얀마 최대의 도시 양곤에 있는 정부 영빈관에서 약 1시간에 걸쳐 이루어졌으며 정당 간부 4명이 참석했습니다.

자택 연금중인 수지씨가 자신이 이끄는 정당의 간부들과 회담을 갖는 것은 3년반만입니다.

수지씨는 이 자리에서 유엔이 중개하는 군사 정권과의 대화 프로세스는 현실성이 있어 실현될 것으로 낙관한다고 밝힌 것으로 전해졌습니다.

또한 시위대와 치안 부대의 충돌은 미얀마 국민 모두에게 있어 불행한 일이며 국민 화합을 위해 군사 정권과 협력할 것이라고 밝히고 정당측에 군사 정권과의 연락 담당을 둘 것을 촉구한 것으로 전해졌습니다.

수지씨는 그 후 같은 영빈관 부지 내에서 군사 정권의 협상 담당 각료와 두 번째 회담을 가진 것으로 추정되나 그 내용은 밝혀지지 않았습니다.





Suu Kyi meets party members

Suu Kyi met officials from her National League for Democracy party for the first time since 2004 [AFP]
Myanmar's detained opposition leader, has met three senior members of her National League for Democracy (NLD) for the first time in three years.

The meeting at a government guesthouse on Friday came after Aunf San Suu Kyi held talks with Aung Kyi, the labour minister who is tasked with mediating between Suu Kyi and the military rulers.
Nyan Win, a Suu Kyi spokesman, quoted the detained leader as saying that the country's generals were "serious and really willing to work for national reconciliation".
"She is optimistic," he said.
The government announced on Thursday that Suu Kyi would be allowed to meet some of her party members.

The meeting with Aung Shwe Lwin and Nyunt Wa, senior executives of the NLD, as well as Nyan Win, was the first face-to-face talks Suu Kyi has held with members of her party since May 2004.

'Full of ideas'

Nyan Win said Suu Kyi looked "fit, well and energetic like before. She is full of ideas".

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"Until the generals' military hardware is crumbled, they won't listen to anyone"

Oomlwin, Yangon, Myanmar

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Suu Kyi suggested to her colleagues that the generals could make a healing gesture after September's unrest by releasing political prisoners.

Amnesty International, a UK-based hu8man rights groups, said on that 700 political prisoners in detention in Myanmar, 91 of which were detained iduring the crackdown on pro-democracy protests in September.

However, appearing to concede that she will remain detained for the immediate future, Suu Kyi told her colleagues that she will ask for two liaison officers of her choice to help her communicate with them.

She said she will also ask Aung Kyi to make arrangements so that she can see the other party leaders whenever necessary.

In 1990 Suu Kyi's party won a general election but the generals have refused to recognise the result and she has been in government detention for 12 of the past 18 years.
Gambari initiative
The talks came after Ibrahim Gambari, the UN's special envoy for Myanmar, visited the country for a second time since a violent crackdown on pro-democracy protesters and pushed for a dialogue to resolve the crisis.
On Thursday, Gambari and Suu Kyi met for an hour.
Gambari subsequnetly released a statement from Suu Kyi.
"In the interest of the nation, I stand ready to co-operate with the government in order to make this process of dialogue a success," the statement read aloud by Gambari said.
"I am committed to pursue the path of dialogue constructively and invite the government and all relevant parties to join me in this spirit," she said.
The statement was Suu Kyi's first since her latest period of detention began in 2003.

However, analysts were cautious about the chances of genuine progress being made between the two sides.

"My reaction is extreme scepticism that this will lead to real dialogue between her and the [generals], or genuine political change," Donald M. Seekins of Japan's Meio University said.

"The [government] likes to move Suu Kyi and the NLD around like pieces on a chessboard, to satisfy the international community."