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터키선거( Turkey elections) 집권당 승리 BBC 주요 사진 본문

흑해 주변국/튀르키예(터키)

터키선거( Turkey elections) 집권당 승리 BBC 주요 사진

CIA bear 허관(許灌) 2007. 7. 23. 20:36


Supporters of the AK Party celebrate in Ankara

Turkey's Islamist-rooted AK Party, led by religious conservatives, has won a resounding victory in the general election, triggering wild celebrations by its supporters across the country.




AKP supporters celebrate in Istanbul

The country's major cities became a sea of orange, white and blue AKP flags, after supporters heard reports that the party had won nearly 50% of the vote.


Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan (right) and his wife Emine Erdogan greet supporters in Ankara

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan later greeted his jubilant supporters at the AKP's headquarters, pledging to pursue "economic and democratic reforms".



Voters queue to cast their ballots in Ankara

Turnout was more than 80%, as many people cut short their holidays to vote in what was described as a crucial poll for the country's future.



People watch the outcome of the polls in Istanbul

In Istanbul, large crowds then watched the outcome of the elections live on a giant screen.



Turkey's Chief-of-Staff General Yasar Buyukanit casts his vote in Ankara

As Turkey's army chief-of-staff voted, it remained unclear how the secular establishment, including the influential military, would react to the outcome.


22일 치러진 터키 총선에서 이슬람 성향의 집권 당이   결정적인 승리를 할 것으로 한 민간 방송의 비공식 집계 결과 나타났습니다.

CNN-터크 텔레비전 방송은 개표가 70% 가량 진행된 가운데 레젭 타입 에르도안  총리의 집권 개발정의당이 48%에 가까운 득표를 했다고 보도했습니다.

공식 집계 결과는 현지 시간으로 22일 늦게 나올 것으로 예상됩니다