Asia-Pacific Region Intelligence Center
반기문 유엔사무총장과 줄리아 길러드 호주 총리 본문
Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-Moon and Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard speak at a joint press conference at Parliament House. Ban Ki-Moon was visiting Australia after attending an annual forum of South Pacific island leaders in New Zealand.
'유엔' 카테고리의 다른 글
Secretary-General Holds Meeting at UNIC Washington (0) | 2011.09.24 |
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유엔, 북한에 고위관리 파견하기로 (0) | 2011.09.09 |
반기문 총장, 북한에 포괄적 핵실험 금지조약 수용 촉구 (0) | 2011.08.31 |
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