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Robot controlled by operator's thoughts 본문

Guide Ear&Bird's Eye/21세기 동아시아인 노벨상

Robot controlled by operator's thoughts

CIA bear 허관(許灌) 2009. 4. 1. 16:14

Honda has unveiled a machine that allows users to control a robot, simply with their thoughts.

A video shows a man in a helmet thinking about moving his right hand. The thought is picked up by various cords attached to his head inside the helmet.

After several seconds, robot Asimo lifts its right arm. The researchers say the technology reads patterns of electric currents on a person's scalp, and changes in cerebral blood flow.

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The robot can react when a person thinks about simple movements like moving hands, running and eating.

Honda says the technology is still at a basic research stage, with no immediate practical applications in the works.

(CCTV April 1, 2009)