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Asia-Pacific Region Intelligence Center

헤즈볼라, 레바논 수도 베이루트 일부 장악 (E) 본문

CIA.FBI(귀가 빙빙 도는 뇌 감청기)

헤즈볼라, 레바논 수도 베이루트 일부 장악 (E)

CIA Bear 허관(許灌) 2008. 5. 10. 10:13

A Shiite opposition gunman fires a rocket propelled grenade during clashes with pro-government supporters in a street in Beirut on Thursday, May 8, 2008.(Xinhua/AFP Photo)


레바논의 시아파 과격 무장세력 헤즈볼라가 9일 수도 베이루트의 서부지역을 장악했습니다.

헤즈볼라와 레바논 정부를 지지하는 세력과의 교전으로 최소한 13명이 숨지고 20명 이상이 부상을 입었습니다. 레바논 정부는 미국의 지지를 받고 있습니다.

시리아와 이란의 지원을 받는 헤즈볼라는 과거 수니 이슬람 거점들을 확보한 후 바리케이드를 설치했습니다.

헤즈볼라는 친정부 텔레비전 방송인 미래운동의 방송을 중단시키고 이 방송의 자매 신문사 건물에 불을 질렀습니다.

한편 미국 백악관은 헤즈볼라의 행동을 매우 우려하며 계속 레바논 정부를 지지한다는 입장을 밝혔습니다.

조지 부시 미국 대통령은 다음주 이집트에서 열리는 회담에서 푸아드 시니오라 레바논 총리와 이번 사태에 대해 논의할 예정입니다.


Hezbollah gunmen seized control of west Beirut today (Friday), amid sectarian fighting in the Lebanese capital that recalled the turmoil of the country's civil war two decades ago.

Three days of clashes between Shi'ite Muslim Hezbollah fighters and militias loyal to Lebanon's U.S.-backed government have killed at least 13 people, and wounded more than 20 others.

Fighters from Hezbollah, which is backed by Syria and Iran, set up roadblocks and took up positions in areas that were previously Sunni Muslim strongholds.

Hezbollah also shut down a television station ("Future Movement") owned by Saad al-Hariri, a leader of Lebanon's governing coalition, and burned the offices of an affiliated newspaper.

A spokesman for U.S. President George Bush (Gordon Johndroe) today said the White House is "very troubled" by Hezbollah's actions, and stands by the Lebanese government.

Mr. Bush will discuss the crisis with Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Siniora during talks in Egypt next week.


In pictures: Lebanon crisis

Shia gunman in Beirut on 9 May 2008

Shia gunmen led by Hezbollah have seized most of the western half of Beirut, driving out supporters of the Western-backed government.


A Hezbollah member blocks a road on the Beirut seafront on 9 May 2008

Burning road blocks have been erected across the city during three days of violence, which was triggered by a government move on Monday to shut down Hezbollah's telecoms network.


A burnt vehicle in Beirut on 9 May 2008

At least 11 people are dead and scores injured, while cars have been torched and property smashed in some of the worst internal strife seen in the Lebanese capital since the 1975-90 civil war.


Shia gunmen in offices of Mr Hariri's Future movement in Beirut on 9 May 2008

The gunmen forced the closure of governing coalition leader Saad Hariri's TV and radio stations and his newspaper. The Lebanese army later took over the buildings to guard them.

Shia gunmen detain Sunni government supporters in Beirut on 9 May 2008

The gunmen detained Sunni government supporters and over-ran Sunni areas of west Beirut. Despite sectarian strains, the conflict is said to remain mostly political.

Lebanese army in Beirut on 9 May 2008

The Lebanese army command has warned its unity is at risk if the crisis in the capital drags on.


Lebanese army in Beirut on 9 May 2008

Analysts say the key to staving off a descent into civil war may lie in how long the army can stay neutral.


A Lebanese family flee their home in an area recently taken by Hezbollah on 9 May 2008

As residents of west Beirut fled on Friday, the Italian government was reported to be drawing up an evacuation plan for any of its nationals wanting to leave the city.


Passengers walk towards the airport terminal building in Beirut on 8 May 2008

But with road blocks all but closing down Lebanon's international airport, many passengers trying to board flights out of the city had to make their way to the terminal building on foot