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몽골-러시아,전략동반자관계 발전선언 체결 본문

Guide Ear&Bird's Eye/몽골

몽골-러시아,전략동반자관계 발전선언 체결

CIA Bear 허관(許灌) 2009. 8. 26. 16:00


                                                 Dmitry Medvedev President of Russia With President of Mongolia Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj

차흐야 엘베르도지 몽골 대통령과 메드베데프 러시아 대통령은 25일 몽골에서 "전략동반자관계발전선언"을 체결했습니다. 쌍방은 선언에서 양국간 전략동반자관계를 한층 발전시키고 경제협력을 확대할 것이라고 표시했습니다.

회담후 있은 기자회견에서 엘베르도지 대통령은 자신은 메드베데프 대통령과 함께 양자관계 특히는 정치와 경제,인도주의,국경지역협력 등 문제를 논의했다고 소개했습니다. 그는 러시아와의 관계는 몽골의 대외관계에서 중요한 지위를 차지하고 있다고 지적하고 최근 년간 양국관계는 그 발전이 양호하며 두 나라의 연합기업들이 몽골경제발전을 위해 적극적인 역할을 발휘했다고 강조했습니다.

메드베데프 대통령은 최근 년간 러시아와 몽골간의 관계는 지속적으로 발전해 왔다고 말하고 자신의 이번 몽골방문은 양국관계를 한층 발전시키기 위해서라고 강조했습니다. 그는 또 쌍방이 체결한 여러가지 협력협의는 양국관계에 새로운 내용을 주입할 것이며 양국은 이미 우라늄광산 채굴 등 분야에서 협력하기로 결정했다고 소개했습니다. 메드베데프 대통령은 여러 분야들에서 양국이 협력할수 있는 잠재력이 아주 크다고 지적했습니다.

메드베데프 대통령은 25일 울란바따르에 도착, 이틀간의 몽골방문을 진행했습니다.


New directions in Russian-Mongolian economic cooperation include the development of Mongolia's transport network, joint prospecting of uranium deposits and processing of uranium ore.


Dmitry Medvedev praised the results of his official visit to Ulan Bator and referred to economic ties as the crucial links connecting Russia and Mongolia.

Among the well-established, traditional forms of cooperation, the President of Russia cited cooperation in the mining industry and agriculture, as well as active interregional cross-border trade.

President Medvedev also mentioned military technical cooperation, recalling that joint military exercises Darkhan-2 are currently underway.

After the talks Dmitry Medvedev and Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj signed the Declaration on Developing a Strategic Partnership between Russia and Mongolia.





                                               Dmitry Medvedev President of Russia With President of Mongolia Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj


Russian-Mongolian talks were held during Dmitry Medvedev's official visit to Mongolia

After a private conversation between Dmitry Medvedev and President of Mongolia Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj, talks continued with the delegations of the two countries.

Various ways to ensure sustainable growth of trade, improve the efficiency of joint companies Erdenet [ore mining and processing company] and Mongolrostsvetmet [fluorspar and gold mining company], and prospects for developing cooperation in the transport sector were the subject of discussion.

The presidents signed the Declaration on Developing a Strategic Partnership between Russia and Mongolia.

Several bilateral documents in the economic sphere were signed in the presence of the state leaders: an intergovernmental Agreement Establishing Dornod Uranium Ltd Joint Venture for finding, mining and processing uranium; a Memorandum of Cooperation between JSC Ulan Bator Railways, JSC Russian Railways and CJSC Transmashholding; and a Memorandum of Cooperation in Rail Transport between the Russian Federal Agency for Railway Transport and Mongolian National Railways Management Agency.

A Protocol of Cooperation and Exchange of Legal Information between Central Election Commissions of Russia and Mongolia was also signed.

The presidents of Russia and Mongolia instructed the governments of both countries to settle the issue of Mongolia's debt to Russia as soon as possible.

After their talks, Mr Medvedev and Mr Elbegdorj gave a joint news conference.

On the same day, Dmitry Medvedev visited the Ulan Bator branch of the Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics, established in 1999. Teaching is conducted in Russian and graduation documents are the same as those given by the Russian state.

The President also visited the Russian Centre which opened within the Plekhanov Academy branch today, examined study rooms for Russian language, computer science and music, and signed the book of honoured guests.

A ceremony at which Dmitry Medvedev presented state awards to employees of Russian-Mongolian company Mongolrostsvetmet was also held in the building of the Ulan Bator branch of the Plekhanov Academy. The President noted that the work of the plant is an example of very effective bilateral collaboration.


                                                       Dmitry Medvedev President of Russia With Prime Minister of Mongolia Sanjaa Bayar 

Dmitry Medvedev met with Prime Minister of Mongolia Sanjaa Bayar.

Trade and economic cooperation furthering agreements reached during negotiations between the presidents of Russia and Mongolia was the subject of discussion.


                                                                Visiting a branch of Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics 


                                                                    Visiting a branch of Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics 



                                                                   Visiting a branch of Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics 


                                 After ceremony presenting state awards to employees of Russian-Mongolian company Mongolrostsvetmet 


President Dmitry Medvedev visiting a kindergarten related to a branch of the G.V. Plekhanov Russian Economic Academy in Ulan Bator, Tuesday, Aug. 25, 2009


President Dmitry Medvedev, left, and Mongolian President Elbegdorj Tsakhia presenting Mongolian WWII veterans with Russian awards during a ceremony marking the 70th anniversary of the joint victory of Soviet and Mongolian forces in the battle of Khalkin Gol, in Ulan Bator, Mongolia, on Wednesday, Aug. 26, 2009.



President Dmitry Medvedev and Mongolian President Elbegdorj Tsakhia, right, taking part in a celebration of the Mongolian folk holiday of Nadam, outside Ulan Bator, Mongolia, Wednesday, Aug. 26, 2009.