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Bush and Merket to focus on Iran 본문


Bush and Merket to focus on Iran

CIA Bear 허관(許灌) 2007. 11. 10. 16:13


 Bush normally reserves invitations to his
Texas ranch for close allies [AFP]
Iran's nuclear ambitions were expected to dominate talks between the German chancellor and the US president at his ranch in Texas.

Angela Merkel's visit to George Bush's Crawford home on Friday is the second by a European leader this week.

Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, was at the ranch for talks on Wednesday.
The US, France and Britain have been pushing for a third round of UN sanctions if Tehran does not stop uranium enrichment.

"Strategically, we see eye-to-eye. Tactically, there are some slight differences," Gordon Johndroe, White House national security council spokesman, said before the meeting.
Earlier this week, Merkel said Germany would support a new round of tougher UN sanctions against Iran but she has repeatedly stressed the need for a diplomatic solution. 

Diplomatic track

Dana Perino, White House spokeswoman, said that the two leaders would discuss Iran "and the need for our countries to work together on the diplomatic track to get Iran to halt its uranium reprocessing and enrichment".

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"America says Iran getting a nuclear weapon could cause WW3 but I think it's more likely that America would cause WW3 by invading Iran"

Jack, Bangor, UK

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Johndroe said the talks on Iran were to be "part of ongoing discussions".

US and German officials have said they do not expect any major announcements from the summit.

Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the US are expected to meet later this month to discuss reports from the International Atomic Energy Agency on Iran's compliance with international demands. 

Iran has refused to agree to UN demands to halt nuclear work that could have both civilian and military uses.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president, has said the nuclear programme is irreversible and that Tehran has 3,000 centrifuges in its underground Natanz plant.

Close ally

John Glenn of the German Marshall Fund, a US public policy and grantmaking institution, told Al Jazeera that one of the main purposes of the visit was to thank Merkel for being a good friend to the US.

"She has brought them [the US and Germany] together after a period of rancour, and most recently she managed the diplomacy of getting the renewal of the German mission in Afghanistan," he said.

Bush normally reserves invitations to his ranch for close allies and the invitation is a striking contrast to the frosty relationship Bush had with Merkel's predecessor, Gerhard Schroeder, who vocally opposed the Iraq war.

"In Texas, when you invite somebody to your home, it's an expression of warmth and respect and that's how I feel about Chancellor Merkel," Bush said before welcoming Merkel and her husband Joachim Sauer at the property's helipad.

The two leaders were also expected to discuss Afghanistan, the Middle East, Iraq, climate change, Myanmar, and the Doha trade round







President George W. Bush and Mrs. Laura Bush welcome German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her husband, Dr.Joachim Sauer, to the Bush ranch in Crawford, Texas, Friday, Nov. 9, 2007. White House photo by Shealah Craighead



President George W. Bush waves as he drives German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Mrs. Laura Bush and Merkel’s husband, Dr. Joachim Sauer, following the Merkel’s arrival to the Bush ranch in Crawford, Texas, Friday, Nov. 9, 2007. White House photo by Shealah Craighead



President George W. Bush listens as German Chancellor Angela Merkel thanks President Bush and Mrs. Laura Bush for their weekend invitation to her and her husband, Dr. Joachim Sauer, to the Bush ranch in Crawford, Texas, Friday, Nov. 9, 2007. White House photo by Shealah Craighead



President George W. Bush and Mrs. Laura Bush welcome German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her husband Dr. Joachim Sauer as they arrive via helicopter to the Bush ranch in Crawford, Texas, Friday, Nov. 9, 2007. White House photo by Eric Draper


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President Bush and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have agreed on the need for a diplomatic solution to the Iranian nuclear standoff.

After their meeting today (Saturday) at the president's ranch in Crawford, Texas, Ms. Merkel said more sanctions against Iran should be considered if International Atomic Energy Agency reports on that country remain unsatisfactory.

The U.S. is strongly pushing for a new round of sanctions against the Islamic republic, which has defied demands by the U.N. Security Council to suspend sensitive nuclear work.

Although the two leaders were mostly in agreement on other issues, Ms. Merkel said there were some differences in the area of climate change. She said she believes an upcoming conference in Bali on the issue could be successful.

Mr. Bush said he cares deeply about climate change, and he expressed an interest in developing technology that will deal with the issue without hurting the economy.(미국의 소리)