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Asia-Pacific Region Intelligence Center

임태희 전 의원 인사말씀 "역동적인 말의 기상처럼 높이 뛰어 오르셔셔 더욱 크게 성장하는 한 해" 본문

Guide Ear&Bird's Eye3/머리소리함 32년 경력자 허관(許灌)

임태희 전 의원 인사말씀 "역동적인 말의 기상처럼 높이 뛰어 오르셔셔 더욱 크게 성장하는 한 해"

CIA Bear 허관(許灌) 2014. 2. 1. 13:33


"It is part to overcome still that control brain at sound(language:Guid Ear) and that control brain by visual field(reading:Bird's Eye).
When agent brain and CE brain differ, side effect is often situation that happened.

Night Watch is Bird's Eye(eye, reading) or(and) Guid(ear, language)-Intelligence Center[Bird's Eye&Guid Ear]"[In 20, experienced man Hur Kwan]


"Democracy reverse is dictatorship (Totalitarianism) which Communism is not

and capitalism reverse is Communism.

SinceJabonjuuiminjuju's revolution[capitalismDemocracy's revolution], liberalism(Civil liberties) and socialism(living rights) coexistence(Respect) democratic republic(freedom society) It is."



"The Chinese government can advance as position and role to national military establishment and U.N. Forces which people's liberation army is not political party army though become power change atServiceman integration attention(Gunjeongtonghapju's)  Civilian government( people's government )[President and Cabinet]  inMilitary administration separation(Gunjeongbunriju's) leftist military administration[the Armed Service Committee]

Xi Jinping China country representative is CPC central committee general secretary (Chinese Communist Party power holder) and president (Chief executive =Chief of state), Central Military Commission President (People's liberation army commander in chief =Military supreme commander)"


"As president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People`s Assembly represents the country, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People`s Assembly accepts credentials, summons of other country private message.

Kim Jong il after one's death   North Korea supreme peoples assembly head of the standing committee Kim Young-nam has been achieving domestic policy as chief executive

In July 8, 1994, Kim il Sung died, but for comment, a Kim Jong il chairman National Defense Committee have done teachings of the departed rule (Youhuntongchi) as is kept continuously

 In September 5, 1998, the socialism constitution was appointed the North Korean leader Kim Il-sung by eternal head of republic as is revised and the chief of state became president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People`s Assembly"







                                                                         National security agents[Bird's Eye&Guid Ear]