Asia-Pacific Region Intelligence Center
'One World, One dream, Liberty and Justice enlightening the World' 본문
Guide Ear&Bird's Eye3/머리소리함 32년 경력자 허관(許灌)
'One World, One dream, Liberty and Justice enlightening the World'
CIA Bear 허관(許灌) 2012. 1. 8. 16:21
謹賀新年 祝福新春(謹賀新年 祝福新春. 恭賀新禧 祝身体健康)
"Season's Greeting and Best Wishes for the New Year"
同一介世界, 同一介夢想, 自由正義光照世界
one World, one dream, Liberty and Justice enlightening the World"
"Thank You"
2012年 1月 1日
머리소리함 [Intelligence Center, 知積能力團] 許灌 拜上
世界潮流浩浩, 蕩蕩順之則昌, 逆之則亡(中國 國父 孫中山 先生 手記)
"Night Watch(intelligence, Brains) is Bird's Eye(eye, reading) or(and) Guid(ear, language)"
Malnourished infants lie on hospital beds in Haeju, capital of Hwanghaenam-do, North Korea on October 1, 2011[photo]
Capitalism Anti Communism!! Democracy Anti Totalitarianism[Dictatorship]!! [Liberal Democracy Government Theory]
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