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Asia-Pacific Region Intelligence Center

Pinhole(바늘[핀] 구멍) 본문

Guide Ear&Bird's Eye/영국 BBC

Pinhole(바늘[핀] 구멍)

CIA Bear 허관(許灌) 2011. 4. 24. 10:02


Dana Pasca-Hossu 'A rustic pinhole photo of a basket of apples'



                                                          Dana Pasca-Hossu: "Safety-pin holes lined up to give a twist on the pinhole theme."



Every week we publish a gallery of readers' pictures on a set theme. This week the theme was pinhole and we start with a photograph taken by Jagna Garbacz. It is of model Agnieszka Stenka standing in an abandoned industrial building in Radom, Poland.



                                       Sheila Bocchine: "This photos was taken with a Zero Image pinhole camera, using medium-format film."



Andres Villaveces: "This is a view of Seealpsee from our hotel window. It was so small it seemed like a pinhole and somehow that made the lake and outside scenery much more special. "


Jim Young: My granddaughter looking through a "pinhole".



                                               Heather Watkins: " Light shining through the natural pin-size holes in a beautiful sea-urchin shell. "



                                                    Miles Black: "I pushed a pin through a folded piece of paper and hoped for the best!"



And finally a seascape taken by Tacia Carlin. If you'd like to enter, send your pictures to Further details and terms can be found by following the link below this gallery.