Asia-Pacific Region Intelligence Center
[스크랩] Bush makes surprise Afghan visit(부시대통령 아프가니스탄 감짝 방문) 본문
[스크랩] Bush makes surprise Afghan visit(부시대통령 아프가니스탄 감짝 방문)
CIA Bear 허관(許灌) 2006. 3. 2. 09:18
부쉬 대통령 아프가니스탄 전격방문 - 오사마 빈 라덴 체포 결의 다짐 (영문기사 첨부) | |
03/01/2006 |
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공동 기자회견장에서 악수를 나누는 두 나라 대통령 |
부시 대통령은 1일, 하미드 카르자이 아프가니스탄 대통령과 회담후 함께 가진 기자회견에서, 미국과 아프가니스탄, 파키스탄은 테러퇴치를 위한 동반자로서 서로 협력하고있으며, 세 나라가 오사마 빈 라덴과 다른 ‘알 카이다’ 대원들을 검거하기위해 수색작전을 펴고있다고 말했습니다.
백악관은 부시 대통령의 아프가니스탄 방문을 철저히 비밀에 붙인 후, 부시 대통령이 바그람 기지에 안착한 후에야 방문사실을 공개했습니다.
부시 대통령은 민간 핵기술 이전문제 등을 논의하기위해 곧 인도로 출발할 예정입니다. 부시 대통령은 또한, 이번주중 파키스탄의 페르베즈 무샤라프 대통령과 회담하면서, 무장대원들의 국경침투 문제를 논의할 것이라고 말했습니다.
President Bush says the United States is committed to rebuilding Afghanistan and is confident terrorist Osama bin Laden will be brought to justice. During a surprise visit to Kabul today (Wednesday), Mr. Bush said the United States, Afghanistan and Pakistan are working together as partners in an alliance to fight terrorism.
Speaking to reporters at a news conference in the Afghan capital, with President Hamid Karzai at his side, Mr. Bush said the three countries' forces are "on the hunt" for Osama bin Laden and other members of the al-Qaida terror network. The U.S. president said firmly that bin Laden, whom this country holds responsible for the September 11th terror attacks on New York and Washington in 2001, will be captured.
Mr. Bush's visit to Afghanistan -- a five-hour detour on his trip to India and Pakistan -- was kept secret until he arrived safely in Kabul today. He is flying onward to New Delhi shortly. Mr. Bush said he intends to raise the issue of cross-border infiltration by militants during meetings later this week with Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf.
In India, Mr. Bush is expected to focus on sealing a civilian nuclear technology deal with New Delhi. The pact has not yet been finalized, he says, and it may not be signed this week.(미국의 소리)
-Bush makes surprise Afghan visit
Bush makes first Afghan visit
President next to visit India and Pakistan
Bush met with Afghan President Hamid Karzai during a five-hour unannounced stopover en route to India and Pakistan.
A group of low-flying helicopters carried Bush and his entourage from Bagram Air Base, the headquarters for U.S. troops, to the capital of Kabul, where he was received by Karzai. (Watch Bush's photo ops with Karzai and Afghan troops -- 1:24)
After meeting with Karzai at the presidential palace, Bush told reporters he remained confident al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden "will be brought to justice" despite a so-far futile hunt.
"We're making progress of dismantling al Qaeda," Bush said as he stood beside Karzai outside the palace. "Slowly but surely we're bringing the people to justice and the world is better for it."
Karzai hailed Bush as "our great friend, our great supporter, a man who helped us liberate."
Bush said bin Laden, the mastermind of the September 11 terrorist attacks, eventually will be caught.
"It's not a matter of if they're captured and brought to justice, it's when they're brought to justice," Bush said.
Bush also congratulated the Afghan people, who voted in parliamentary elections in September.
"People all over the world are watching the experience here in Afghanistan," he said. "I hope that the people of Afghanistan understand that as democracy takes hold, you're inspiring others."
Bush presided over a ceremonial ribbon-cutting for the U.S. Embassy and spoke to troops at Bagram before continuing to India and Pakistan.
This was Bush's first trip to Afghanistan, where an October 2001 U.S. invasion eventually toppled the Taliban regime that had harbored bin Laden and allowed terrorist training camps on its soil.
On Tuesday, the director of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency said that while Afghanistan had successful national and provincial elections in 2005, the Taliban "remains capable and resilient."
"In 2005, the Taliban and other anti-coalition movement groups increased attacks by 20 percent," Lt. Gen. Michael Maples told the Senate Armed Services Committee.
"We judge that the insurgency appears emboldened by perceived tactical successes and will be active this spring."
India protests
From Afghanistan, Bush traveled India, where thousands of people chanted anti-U.S. slogans. In New Delhi, people protesting Bush's visit -- his first to the nation -- waved signs and burned U.S. flags.
Bush hopes to sign a critical nuclear accord with New Delhi, a move which has raised political hackles in both nations. (Full story)
"This is a difficult issue for the Indian government. It's a difficult issue for the American government. And so we'll continue to dialogue," Bush said in Afghanistan. "Hopefully we can reach an agreement. If not, we'll continue to work on it until we do."
On his trip, the U.S. leader also will try to boost security and economic ties with India, and will try to soothe tensions between India and neighboring Pakistan, also a nation with a nuclear capability.
Pakistan is a key U.S. ally in the war on terror, but many in Washington want to see Islamabad make stronger efforts to dismantle terrorist training camps on its soil.
Under the proposed nuclear deal between New Delhi and Washington, the United States would supply nuclear technology and fuel desperately needed by India to fuel its booming but energy-starved economy.
India has pledged in return to separate its military and civilian nuclear programs and open up the civilian ones to international inspection.
But some members of the U.S. Congress, who must approve the deal, believe this deal will undermine the international Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, which India has refused to sign.
Speaking on Air Force One while traveling to India, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said some sticking points for the deal remained.
"The one thing that is absolutely necessary is that any agreement would assure that once India has decided to put a reactor under safeguard that it remain permanently under safeguard," she said in a report from The Associated Press.
That would prevent India from transferring a reactor from civilian to military status and exempting it from international inspections.
부시, 아프간 첫방문 | |
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오늘부터 인도, 파키스탄을 순방할 예정이었던 부시 미 대통령은 일본시간으로 오늘 오후 6시 경, 예정에 없던 아프가니스탄을 방문했습니다. 부시 대통령이 아프가니스탄을 방문한 것은 2001년 발생한 동시다발 테러사건 이후, 알카에다와 알카에다를 비호한 당시 탈레반 정권을 소탕하기 위해 미군이 군사작전을 시작한 이래 처음입니다.(NHK 2006.3.1) |
미국 대통령 부시는 3월 1일 아프카니스탄 주재 미군의 바게람 공군기지에 갑자기 도착하여 아프카니스탄을 5시간동안 방문했습니다. 부시는 인도와 파키스탄을 방문하러 가던 도중 아프카니스탄에 잠간 체류했습니다. 알려진데 의하면 아프카니스탄에 있는 기간 부시는 아프카니스탄 대통령 카르자이와 기타 정부 고위급관리들과 만났습니다. 미국 대통령은 탈레반 정권이 실각된 후 처음으로 아프카니스탄을 방문했습니다. |
-President Meets with President Hamid Karzai in Kabul. Afghanistan
President George W. Bush and president Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan hold a press availability Wednesday, March 1.2006, in Kabul during a stop en route to India.
President Bush told president Karzai that he hoped "the people of Afganistan understand that as democracy takes hold you,re inspiring others, And that inspiration will cause others to demand their freedom" White House photo by Eric Draper..