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Asia-Pacific Region Intelligence Center

In pictures: Deadly earthquake in Iran and Iraq 본문

Guide Ear&Bird's Eye2/기후변화와 지진 연구자료(許灌)

In pictures: Deadly earthquake in Iran and Iraq

CIA Bear 허관(許灌) 2017. 11. 15. 15:54

Hundreds have been killed in a 7.3 magnitude earthquake in the countries' border region.



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                                    The earthquake caused significant devastation in the city of Sarpol-e Zahab in Iran's Kermanshah Province


                                             The full extent of the damage on the Iran-Iraq border became clear at sunrise on Monday



                                                                The magnitude-7.3 earthquake is the deadliest to strike so far in 2017


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                                              The death toll from the earthquake reached the hundreds hours after it struck on Sunday evening


                                                                    Many buildings in Sarpol-e Zahab were reduced to shells


                                                        Relatives of one victim try to get closer to the body in Sarpol-e Zahab


                                       The epicentre of the quake was in north-east Iraq, but neighbouring Iran saw the worst of the damage


                                                         Large rocks fell on to the road near the Darbandikhan Dam in northern Iraq


                                                                 This mosque in Diyala province east of Baghdad suffered serious damage


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                                                        Most of the deaths were reported in Iran's Kermanshah province


                                                                      This huge rock fell from a mountain in Darbandikhan, Iraq


                                                                       Some buildings were much more damaged than others


                                             The earthquake has destroyed many buildings, injuring thousands and killing hundreds


                                                                Several members of Khosrow's family died in the earthquake


                                                                             Destruction is widespread in some areas


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                                                                          The quake caused many homes to collapse


                                           People are staying in tents in Kermanshah, but residents say they urgently need supplies