Asia-Pacific Region Intelligence Center
UN turns up heat for cool effect 본문
![]() A casual secretary-general set an example to his staff |
Critics who say the UN only churns out hot air will find even more of the stuff if they visit the UN's New York headquarters this month.
Under the Cool UN initiative, the air conditioning will be turned down and temperatures will rise several degrees.
The plan is expected to save $100,000 during the month, as well as cutting carbon emissions.
But it is also hoped the heat will encourage diplomats to relax their dress code and leave ties at home.
For all of August the UN building's thermostats will rise from their usual chilly 72 degrees Fahrenheit (22 degrees Centigrade) up to 77 degrees (25 degrees Centigrade).
However, to discourage diplomatic tempers from growing too overheated, the building's conference rooms will only be hitting highs of 75 degrees (24 degrees Centigrade).
Officials call the move the “Cool UN” initiative. They say the temperatures may be rising, but the “cool” thing is how much the UN will conserve in cash and energy.
![]() The UN building in New York is undergoing a seven-year overhaul |
Michelle Montas, the spokesperson for Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, says the initiative will save the world body $100,000 during the month of August. Accountants estimate the organisation could save an extra $1m if the change was made year-round.
Another reason one might say the initiative is “cool” is the shift it's made in the UN's usually stuffy dress code.
Officials are encouraging diplomats to come in wearing “business casual,” rather than their usual power suits.
Ban Ki-moon led by example on Friday morning, showing up to work in short sleeves and without a tie or jacket.
The UN expects this month-long move will also cut back on 300 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions.
That ties into the so-called “Capital Master Plan” - a seven-year overhaul that will gut the UN building in an effort to make it a greener, more modern structure.
When Ban Ki-moon came to office he promised sweeping changes that gave some people a case of nerves. This change, however, could really make them sweat.
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