Asia-Pacific Region Intelligence Center
Hanwha Q Cells gets first grade in the solar module carbon certification system...Industry First 본문
Hanwha Q Cells gets first grade in the solar module carbon certification system...Industry First
CIA Bear 허관(許灌) 2020. 9. 18. 14:12Hanwha Chemical announced on the 18th that it was the first and only company in the industry to acquire the first grade in the 'Solar Module Carbon Certification System' implemented by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Hanwha Q-cells will supply seven of the Cupic Duo series, which will be supplied to domestic customers from the fourth quarter of this year.
The photovoltaic module carbon certification system was implemented by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy from 22nd of last month to quantify and manage the total amount of carbon dioxide emitted during the production process of photovoltaic modules and to foster eco-friendly industries through carbon emission reduction efforts.
It quantifies (1kW) greenhouse gas total amount per the unit output ejected in the whole process of the photovoltaic module manufacture (CO2·kg) and the photovoltaic module carbon certification system effects an inspection of evidence. The total amount of greenhouse gas is evaluated by adding the amount of emission generated in the solar module manufacturing process and the amount of emission for the consumed power production. According to carbon emissions, solar modules are divided into three grades. This year, RPS fixed price contract competition bidding and government supply projects are subject to differentiated incentives.
The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy estimates that the reduction of 10% greenhouse gas per solar module installed in Korea will reduce 230,000 tons per year, which is equivalent to planting about 2 million pine trees.
The solar module carbon certification system is expected to spread around Europe. France has been carrying out 'carbon footprints' similar to domestic solar module carbon certification system since 2011. The French government will induce the use of low-carbon solar modules by reflecting the carbon footprint score as an evaluation item for public procurement solar power equipment bidding of 100 kilowatts (kW) or more. Hanwha Cusell is the only Korean company to acquire carbon emissions certification from French carbon footprints and is targeting the French market.
In addition, the European Union (EU) is also unifying eco-friendly product policies in Europe with the eco-friendly market integration policy (SMGP), establishing a policy that allows consumers to purchase environmentally friendly products objectively in the market, and plans to submit a bill to introduce a product environment footprint (PEF) system including carbon footprints of solar modules within this year.
Reporter Park Jeong-Do
미국 구글 ' 2030 년까지 재생 에너지만으로 시설 운영'
미국 구글은 2020년 9월 14일, 2030년까지 전세계 데이터 센터 및 시설을 풍력이나 태양광 등 신재생 에너지만으로 운영할 계획을 발표했다. 탈탄소(脱炭素)의 노력을 가속한다. 재생 에너지에 의한 24시간 운영은 주요 기업에서 처음으로 하고 있다.
구글의 G 메일이나 검색, 동영상 공유 사이트인 유튜브와 같은 서비스가 모든 재생 에너지에 제공되게 된다고 한다. 25년까지 2만 명 이상의 신규 고용을 창출한다.
풍력발전(風力発電) 또는 태양광발전(太陽光発電)을 결합하거나 축전지(蓄電池)의 이용을 증대시킨다
인공지능(AI)을 활용해 전력 수요와 전망을 최적화 한다. 2030년까지 새로 500만 킬로와트의 재생 에너지를 사용할 수 있도록 한다. 50억 달러(약 5200억 엔) 이상의 투자가 이루어졌다.
구글은 2007년부터 이산화탄소 배출량을 계산상 제로로 하는 '탄소중립'을 달성하는 등 온난화 대책에 선행(先行)하고 있다.
개인이 3kW 태양광 발전 시설을 자신의 주택 옥상에 만들려면 약 500만 원이 듭니다. 하지만 한화큐셀은 소비자 부담을 줄이기 위해 7년 동안 매월 대여료 약 4만 원 정도를 받고 태양광 발전시설을 설치하고 운영하고 관리해줍니다.
Green Jobs: the only way to go
Cities and local action
According to an International Labor Organization (ILO) ILO report, 24 million new jobs will be created globally by 2030, provided sustainable practices are adopted and implemented.
According to an International Labor Organization (ILO) ILO report, 24 million new jobs will be created globally by 2030, provided sustainable practices are adopted and implemented.
Doing so will also enable millions of people to overcome poverty and enjoy improved livelihoods, in line with one of the aims of the Paris Agreement which underscores the commitment by nations to a just transition and the creation of decent work and green jobs. While there will be some loss of employment—mostly in the petroleum industry—this would be offset by jobs created in renewable energies and transitioning to a circular economy, the report says.
In the developing world, where the poor are most affected by the impact of climate change, ILO works to advance and mainstream environmentally sound social and economic development through the promotion of green jobs and increase income-generating opportunities. In rural Zambia, the Green Jobs Programme gave poor subsistence farmers a new way of life and helped them increase productivity. Using green technology, women learned how to build houses, building eighteen in five months. Because many live off the grid, and Zambia suffers from an energy crisis, many people never had electricity. The programme trained women in solar panel assembly and installation, which they installed in the newly built homes. These are life-changing skills that benefit the whole community, and reduce the impact on the environment.
In Sri Lanka, already ranked as the fourth most vulnerable country in the world to the impact of climate change, the relentless floods of 2016 and 2017 severely damaged the tea-growing regions, a source of income for many. In 2018, the ILO collaborated with the national and local government to develop a model to alleviate the impact on livelihoods of severe weather through better management of available water resources. The project, which falls under ILO’s flagship programme, Jobs for Peace and Resilience is a model which ILO hopes will be adopted by development partners to replicate in other regions of drought- and flood-affected areas in Sri Lanka and elsewhere.
In rural Egypt, an ILO shared initiative with the local government and university implemented a pilot project in which poor farmers were taught how to make biogas from the manure of their livestock which, in turn, provided an affordable source of energy and fertilizer, and increased income and crop production. The programme also created jobs for recent graduates who conduct training in the villages on how to make the biogas while promoting environmentally sustainable technologies.
UNITED NATIONS UN Climate Change Summit 2019
Green Jobs: the only way to go Cities and local action According to an International Labor Organization (ILO) ILO report, 24 million new jobs will be created globally by 2030, provided sustainable practices are adopted and implemented.
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